Pranjal, P; Chatterjee, RS; Kumar, D; Dwivedi, S; Jally, SK; Kumar, B (2023). Satellite gravity observation and hydrological modelling-based integrated groundwater storage change in Northwestern India. JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, 25(2), 226-242.
This paper presents a novel approach for an improved estimate of regional groundwater storage (GWS) change in Northwestern India by integrating satellite-based Gravity Recovery and Climate Exchange (GRACE) gravity observation and hydrological modelling of satellite/in situ hydrometeorological data. Initially, GRACE observation-based terrestrial water storage (TWS) change and hydrological model-based TWS change products were integrated using weight coefficients derived from multi-linear regression analysis of TWS change vs governing hydrological components. Later, the monthly average soil moisture change was subtracted from the monthly average individual and integrated TWS change products to obtain GWS change products. By spatial correlation analysis, three GWS change products were then compared with groundwater level (GWL) fluctuation-based in situ GWS change. Hydrological model, spaceborne GRACE observation, and integrated GWS change products show a positive correlation in similar to 59,similar to 69, and similar to 73% of the study area with in situ GWS change. While a hydrological model-based estimate considers geology, terrain, and hydrometeorological conditions, GRACE gravity observation includes groundwater withdrawal from aquifers. All the factors are included in the integrated GWS change product. The approach overcomes the limitations of GRACE observation (spatial resolution, geology, terrain, and hydrometeorological factors), hydrological modelling (groundwater withdrawal conditions), and conventional GWL fluctuation-based method (inadequate spatial continuity and cumbersome, labour-intensive exercise).