Massie, ST; Cronk, H; Merrelli, A; Schmidt, S; Mauceri, S (2023). Insights into 3D cloud radiative transfer effects for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory. ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 16(8), 2145-2166.
Clouds impose radiance perturbations upon Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2)-measured spectra. The Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate radiative transfer Method (SHDOM) code is applied in both idealized bar cloud and scene-specific calculations of 1D and 3D radiances in order to understand 3D cloud effects for a wide range of gas vertical optical depths and solar- and sensorviewing geometries for ocean and land scenes. SHDOM calculations for 36 scenes over the Amazon and the Pacific are co-analyzed with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) radiance-based cloud distance data and the OCO-2 Lite file rawXCO2 for both quality flag D 0 (QF0; best quality) and quality flag D 1 (QF1; poor quality) data. SHDOM calculations of the ocean and land scenes indicate that the 1D = 3D radiance intensity ratios and rawXCO2 decrease concurrently as the nearest-cloud distance decreases towards zero, especially for the ocean glint QF1 data, which provide the clearest evidence of 3D cloud effects in OCO-2 retrievals. Yearly analysis of OCO2 O-2 A-band continuum radiances indicate that 3D cloudbrightening events are predominant over cloud-shadowing events; therefore, 1D = 3D intensity ratios are predominantly less than unity. Bias corrected (bcXCO2) at cloud distances between 0 and 20 km are calculated for 20ffi latitude bands for 2015-2018. These zonal averages are used to calculate 3Dcloud-effect biases for bcXCO2 data (with a positive bias indicating that OCO-2 underestimates bcXCO2). Averages of 3D-cloud-effect biases, weighted by the number of Lite file data points in each of the nearest-cloud distance bins, in the