Rahat, SH; Steissberg, T; Chang, W; Chen, X; Mandavya, G; Tracy, J; Wasti, A; Atreya, G; Saki, S; Bhuiyan, MA; Ray, P (2023). Remote sensing-enabled machine learning for river water quality modeling under multidimensional uncertainty. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 898, 165504.
Two fundamental problems have inhibited progress in the simulation of river water quality under climate (and other) uncertainty: 1) insufficient data, and 2) the inability of existing models to account for the complexity of factors (e.g., hydro-climatic, basin characteristics, land use features) affecting river water quality. To address these concerns this study presents a technique for augmenting limited ground-based observations of water quality variables with remote-sensed surface reflectance data by leveraging a machine learning model capable of accommodating the multidimensionality of water quality influences. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) can serve as a surrogate for chemical and biological pollutants of concern in surface water bodies. Historically, TSS data collection in the United States has been limited to the location of water treatment plants where state or federal agencies conduct regularly-scheduled water sampling. Mathematical models relating riverine TSS concentration to the explanatory factors have therefore been limited and the relationships between climate extremes and water contamination events have not been effectively diagnosed. This paper presents a method to identify these issues by utilizing a Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) model trained on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite reflectance data, which is calibrated to TSS data collected by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). The methodology developed enables a thorough empirical analysis and data-driven algorithms able to account for spatial variability within the watershed and provide effective water quality prediction under uncertainty.