
Brown, SW; Wilson, T; Xiong, XX; Woodward, JT; Angal, A; Sun, JQ (2024). Development of an Uncertainty Budget for a Disseminated Lunar Irradiance Scale Over the Visible to Near-Infrared Spectral Region. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 62, 4208210.

This work develops a framework for the development of an SI-traceable model of lunar irradiance over the visible-to-near-infrared (VNIR) spectral region and provides an estimate of the uncertainties in the disseminated scale. The lunar model, called the common lunar model-robotic lunar observatory (ROLO) (CLM-R), is based on revisions to the ROLO model of lunar reflectance developed by the United States Geological Survey. Inputs from several different instruments are included in its development; SI-traceable lunar measurements by the airborne-lunar spectral irradiance (air-LUSI) instrument are used to establish the absolute scale and give an estimate of the phase correction to ROLO and residual corrections to the ROLO model for lunar libration angles. Uncertainties in a disseminated lunar irradiance scale are developed using long-term lunar datasets from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometers (MODISs) on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. Based on lunar measurements by MODIS and the visible and infrared imaging radiometer (VIIRS) on NOAA's Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership and NOAA-20 satellites, a combined standard uncertainty of less than 1% for lunar-based calibrations of satellite sensors may be achievable.

