Belyakov, NV; Kolpinskiy, S; Vasiliev, AV (2024). Cloud and snow neural network segmentation using the Electro-L No. 2 satellite low-resolution data. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 73(12), 5876-5888.
This paper is devoted to cloud and snow semantic segmentation using multispectral satellite imagery, received from a multizone scanning instrument (MSU-GS) installed on the Russian satellite Electro-L No. 2. For segmentation, some additional geographic information is used such as latitude, longitude, and altitude. The main difficulty of evaluating snow and cloud masks from MSU-GS data is absence of shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectral channels in the 1.3 - 1.6 lm range, which are necessary for accurate snow and cloud distinction. This fact makes it impossible to apply any of existing algorithms for cloud and snow destinction used for other multispectral satellite imagery. The results of the presented work include a self-collected dataset, consisting of cloud masks from the meteorological satellites GOES-16 and Meteosat-10 L2 products, snow masks from Terra/MODIS products, considered to be the ground truth for multispectral imagery from Electro-L No. 2 with geographical information for each sample, as well as a trained Multi-Scale Attention Network (MANet), able to perform snow and cloud segmentation for multispectral data from Electro-L No. 2. The purpose of this study is to create a stable algorithm for MSU-GS imagery to conduct an operational snow and cloud coverage monitoring of the full Earth disk, that can not be evaluated by using multispectral data from other Russian satellites. The novelty of the work is the combining geographical and multispectral information with weighted sampling approach for hard samples, as well as using other satellite products for creating ground truth masks for needed satellite imagery. The developed algorithm was tested on various scenes during all seasons with F1 and IoU metrics. We reach segmentation quality equal to F1 = 0.7454, F1 = 0.8773 and IoU = 0.7398, IoU = 0.7976 for snow and clouds respectively. The proposed neural network can be used at any time of year during daytime for processing Electro-L No. 2 multispectral data in real time. (c) 2024 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.