Delmotte, A; Juncu, D; Ceamanos, X; Trigo, IF; Gomes, S (2024). Upgrade and extension of LSA-SAF land surface albedo archive from EPS Metop/AVHRR: description and quality assessment. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING.
ETAL is the operational EPS Ten-Day Albedo product, produced by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF). By back-processing the full catalogue of EPS-Metop radiance data from September 2007 to June 2021, we are able to 1) extend the temporal coverage (previously the archive only went back to 2015) and 2) improve the product archive that was based on near-real time (NRT) processing; the second point is achieved by using reanalyses instead of forecasts of atmospheric conditions and by not being exposed to missing data in the NRT radiance inputs. We present this reprocessed part of the ETAL data set, called ETAL-R, and assess its quality and consistency with respect to the original archive of NRT ETAL data (for the overlapping period 2015-2021), as well as its accuracy compared to albedo from MODIS and ground stations. ETAL-R exhibits reliable long-term stability and increased homogeneity compared to the NRT archive, and the comparison against the additional reference data shows satisfactory accuracy. Overall, ETAL-R is shown to be very consistent with the ETAL NRT archive while - under certain circumstances - improving it.