
Wang, YK; Wang, GX; Sun, JY; Song, CL; Lin, S; Sun, SQ; Hu, ZY; Wang, XT; Sun, XY (2024). The impact of extreme precipitation on water use efficiency along vertical vegetation belts in Hengduan Mountain during 2001 and 2020. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 943, 173638.

In the context of climate change, extreme precipitation events are continuously increasing and impact the water -carbon coupling of ecosystems. The vertical vegetation zonation, as a characteristic of mountain ecosystems, reflects the differences in vegetation response to climate change at different elevations. In this study, we used the water use efficiency (WUE) as an indicator to evaluate the water -carbon relationship. By using MODIS data, we analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of gross primary productivity (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET), and WUE from 2001 to 2020, as well as the responses of WUE to extreme wetness factor Number of precipitation days (R0.1), extreme dryness factor Consecutive dry days (CDD), and meteorological factors under the vertical vegetation zonation. Our results showed that annual GPP and ET displayed a significant increasing trend between 2001 and 2020, whereas WUE showed a weak decreasing trend. Spatially, GPP and WUE decreased with increasing elevation. Analyzing the WUE of mountainous ecosystems as a unified whole may not precisely capture the reactions of vegetation to severe rainfall occurrences. In fact, across different vegetation belts in mountainous areas, there exists a negative correlation between WUE and R0.1, and a positive correlation with CDD. In terms of meteorological factors, the temporal variation of GPP was primarily associated with vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and temperature (Ta), while those of ET was mainly related to soil water content (SWC). WUE was affected by a combination of meteorological factors and had a certain degree of variation between different altitude intervals. These findings contribute to a better understanding and prediction of the relationship between extreme rainfall climate and water -carbon coupling in mountainous areas.

