Huang, M; Lee, P; McNider, R; Crawford, J; Buzay, E; Barrick, J; Liu, YL; Krishnan, P (2016). Temporal and spatial variability of daytime land surface temperature in Houston: Comparing DISCOVER-AQ aircraft observations with the WRF model and satellites. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 121(1), 185-195.
Based on a semiempirical diurnal temperature cycle model and aircraft observations taken at different times of the day, daytime land surface temperature (LST) is derived at six locations in the Greater Houston area on the least cloudy day during NASA's DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality) field campaign in September 2013. The aircraft-derived daytime LSTs show ranges (max-min) of 11-25 degrees K varying by location, with the daily maxima occurring near 1300-1400 local time. Two Weather Research and Forecasting model simulations that were configured differently are compared with these aircraft-derived LST, indicating location- and time-dependent performance. The NOAA GOES geostationary satellite observed similar LST spatial patterns in Houston to those in finer resolution from two polar-orbiting satellite instruments (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite), and it provided useful information of the LST temporal variability missing from the polar-orbiting satellite products. However, spatial- and time-varying discrepancies are found among LSTs from these various platforms, which are worth further evaluation in order to benefit model evaluation and improvement. The aircraft and satellite LSTs are overall anticorrelated with satellite vegetation indexes. This emphasizes the importance of vegetation cover in urban planning due to its cooling effect and further impact on biogenic emissions and regional air quality. The approaches shown in this study are also suitable for applications under cloudless conditions at other locations and times, such as during the remaining DISCOVER-AQ deployments conducted in three other populated regions with diverse land uses.