
Muhammad, M; Liyantono; Setiawan, Y; Fatikhunnada, A (2016). Analysis of the dynamics pattern of paddy field utilization using MODIS image in East Java. 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE (LISAT) FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING, 33, 44-53.

Paddy field conversion that occurs continuously in East Java will have an impact on the production of paddy fields. Mapping the dynamics pattern of paddy field utilization is needed to support the sustainable usage of paddy field. This study conducted to explain the dynamics pattern of paddy field utilization using MODIS image MOD13Q1 h2v9 with EVI composite 16-day resolution of 250 meters data. Analysis of the temporal pattern of the year 2000-2014 conducted by the method of autocorrelation function of each centroid classification results k-mean clustering that produces changes in the cropping pattern at the province of East Java. Ground check performed as a validation of the field to determine cropping patterns and land use changes that occurred. Identification of the cropping pattern produces nine types of cropping pattern of paddy fields in East Java, there are five main cropping patterns paddy-paddy-secondary crop, paddy-paddy-bare land, paddy-secondary crop-secondary crop, paddy-secondary crop-bare land, and sugarcane then four other pattern are mixing crop, and 57.70% identification accuracy results. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

