Surendran, S; Rajendran, K; Arya, VB (2016). Precipitation-aerosol relationship over the Indian region during drought and excess summer monsoon years. REMOTE SENSING AND MODELING OF THE ATMOSPHERE, OCEANS, AND INTERACTIONS VI, 9882, 98820Q.
This study investigates the aerosols-rainfall interaction during Indian summer monsoon and characterizes their difference in drought and excess summer monsoon years, based on MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer) derived Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 550 nm. AOD has been estimated using Level-2 MODIS Terra Data Version 6. AOD in drought years is found to be higher over India compared to excess monsoon years. The total effect of aerosols causes reduction of summer rainfall but with distinct differences in their impact during strong and weak summer monsoon years, due to the changes in clouds, radiation, large-scale circulation, and convection. Aerosol and cloud characteristics exhibit strong association to rainfall variability in interannual time scales. Variability in cloud effective radius and cloud optical thickness is found to be consistent with aerosol effect.