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Kaufman, YJ, Wald, AE, Remer, LA, Gao, BC, Li, RR, Flynn, L (1997). The MODIS 2.1-mu m channel - Correlation with visible reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 35(5), 1286-1298.
Wang, JR, Spinhirne, JD, Racette, P, Chang, LA, Hart, W (1997). The effect of clouds on water vapor profiling from the millimeter-wave radiometric measurements. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY, 36(9), 1232-1244.
Wooster, MJ, Rothery, DA (1997). "Time-series analysis of effusive volcanic activity using the ERS along Track Scanning Radiometer: The 1995 eruption of Fernandina volcano, Galapagos Islands". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 62(1), 109-117.
Myneni, RB, Nemani, RR, Running, SW (1997). Estimation of global leaf area index and absorbed par using radiative transfer models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 35(6), 1380-1393.
Wooster, MJ, Rothery, DA (1997). "Thermal monitoring of Lascar Volcano, Chile, using infrared data from the along-track scanning radiometer: A 1992-1995 time series". BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, 58(7), 566-579.
Huete, AR, Liu, HQ, Batchily, K, vanLeeuwen, W (1997). A comparison of vegetation indices global set of TM images for EOS-MODIS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 59(3), 440-451.
Ignatov, A (1997). Estimation of the aerosol phase function in backscatter from simultaneous satellite and sun-photometer measurements. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY, 36(6), 688-694.
Wan, ZM, Li, ZL (1997). A physics-based algorithm for retrieving land-surface emissivity and temperature from EOS/MODIS data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 35(4), 980-996.
Teillet, PM, Staenz, K, Williams, DJ (1997). "Effects of spectral, spatial, and radiometric characteristics on remote sensing vegetation indices of forested regions". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 61(1), 139-149.
Mayaux, P, Lambin, EF (1997). Tropical forest area measured from global land-cover classifications: Inverse calibration models based on spatial textures. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 59(1), 29-43.
Hu, BX, Lucht, W, Li, XW, Strahler, AH (1997). Validation of kernel-drives semiempirical models for the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function of land surfaces. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 62(3), 201-214.
Zhang, M, Ustin, SL, Rejmankova, E, Sanderson, EW (1997). Monitoring Pacific coast salt marshes using remote sensing. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 7(3), 1039-1053.
PaxLenney, M, Woodcock, CE (1997). The effect of spatial resolution on the ability on to monitor the status of agricultural lands. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 61(2), 210-220.
Snyder, WC, Wan, ZM, Zhang, YL, Feng, YZ (1997). Requirements for satellite land surface temperature validation using a silt playa. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 61(2), 279-289.
Karnieli, A (1997). Development and implementation of spectral crust index over dune sands. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 18(6), 1207-1220.
Kaufman, YJ, Tanre, D, Gordon, HR, Nakajima, T, Lenoble, J, Frouin, R, Grassl, H, Herman, BM, King, MD, Teillet, PM (1997). Passive remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol and atmospheric correction for the aerosol effect. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 16815-16830.
Tanre, D, Kaufman, YJ, Herman, M, Mattoo, S (1997). Remote sensing of aerosol properties over oceans using the MODIS/EOS spectral radiances. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 16971-16988.
Gordon, HR (1997). Atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery in the Earth Observing System era. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 17081-17106.
Vermote, EF, ElSaleous, N, Justice, CO, Kaufman, YJ, Privette, JL, Remer, L, Roger, JC, Tanre, D (1997). "Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces: Background, operational algorithm and validation". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 17131-17141.
Wanner, W, Strahler, AH, Hu, B, Lewis, P, Muller, JP, Li, X, Schaaf, CLB, Barnsley, MJ (1997). Global retrieval of bidirectional reflectance and albedo over land from EOS MODIS and MISR data: Theory and algorithm. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 17143-17161.
Clark, DK, Gordon, HR, Voss, KJ, Ge, Y, Broenkow, W, Trees, C (1997). Validation of atmospheric correction over the oceans. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D14), 17209-17217.
Miller, JR, White, HP, Chen, JM, Peddle, DR, McDermid, G, Fournier, RA, Shepherd, P, Rubinstein, I, Freemantle, J, Soffer, R, LeDrew, E (1997). Seasonal change in understory reflectance of boreal forests and influence on canopy vegetation indices. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D24), 29475-29482.
Privette, JL, Eck, TF, Deering, DW (1997). Estimating spectral albedo and nadir reflectance through inversion of simple BRDF models with AVHRR/MODIS-like data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102(D24), 29529-29542.
Eck, TF, Deering, DW, Vierling, LA (1997). Arctic tundra albedo and its estimation from spectral hemispheric reflectance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 18(17), 3535-3549.
Gordon, HR, Zhang, TM, He, F, Ding, KY (1997). Effects of stratospheric aerosols and thin cirrus clouds on the atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery: Simulations. APPLIED OPTICS, 36(3), 682-697.