October 6, 2010 - Dust storm in the Middle East

Dust storm in the Middle East

Weather stations near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia reported strong winds and widespread dust on September 29, 2010 when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Radiospectrometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite passed over the region, capturing this natural color image of dust and sand blowing across the Middle East.

In this image, multiple layers and textures of dust can be seen stretching out over hundreds of kilometers, from the north of Iraq, across the Persian Gulf, across Kuwait, Bahrain and Quatar, and across eastern Saudi Arabia. Near the bottom of the image, an arching river of dust forms dense billows, obscuring all land underneath. Near this arch, a gray circular area, partially veiled by dust, marks the location of Riyadh. To the west, the air over Saudi Arabia is dust-free, and multi-colored patterns of orange and tan soil as well as areas speckled green with vegetation can be clearly seen.

On the same day as this dust storm blanketed the region, five countries – Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria and Quatar – met at an environmental conference in Tehran, Iran and signed a pact in which they agreed to cooperate to bring dust storms under control over the next five years. According to news sources, the gathering was held to find a practical solution to mitigate the negative effects of dust storms – one of the most serious natural hazards of the region.

Image Facts
Satellite: Aqua
Date Acquired: 9/29/2010
Resolutions: 1km ( B), 500m ( B), 250m ( B)
Bands Used: 1,4,3
Image Credit: Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC