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Tian, YH, Zhang, Y, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB, Glassy, JM, Dedieu, G, Running, SW (2000). Prototyping of MODIS LAI and FPAR algorithm with LASUR and LANDSAT data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(5), 2387-2401.
Wang, JX, Gille, JC, Revercomb, HE, Walden, VP (2000). Validation study of the MOPITT retrieval algorithm: Carbon monoxide retrieval from IMG observations during WINCE. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 17(10), 1285-1295.
Privette, JL, Asner, GP, Conel, J, Huemmrich, KF, Olson, R, Rango, A, Rahman, AF, Thome, K, Walter-Shea, EA (2000). The EOS prototype validation exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and lessons learned. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(1), 1-12.
Barnsley, MJ, Hobson, PD, Hyman, AH, Lucht, W, Muller, JP, Strahler, AH (2000). Characterizing the spatial variability of broadband albedo in a semidesert environment for MODIS validation. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(1), 58-68.
Lucht, W, Hyman, AH, Strahler, AH, Barnsley, MJ, Hobson, P, Muller, JP (2000). A comparison of satellite-derived spectral albedos to ground-based broadband albedo measurements modeled to satellite spatial scale for a semidesert landscape. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(1), 85-98.
Chopping, MJ (2000). Large-scale BRDF retrieval over New Mexico with a multiangular NOAA AVHRR dataset. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(1), 163-191.
Trigg, S, Flasse, S (2000). Characterizing the spectral-temporal response of burned savannah using in situ spectroradiometry and infrared thermometry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(16), 3161-3168.
Gobron, N, Pinty, B, Verstraete, MM, Widlowski, JL (2000). "Advanced vegetation indices optimized for up-coming sensors: Design, performance, and applications". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(6), 2489-2505.
Gu, DG, Gillespie, AR, Kahle, AB, Palluconi, FD (2000). Autonomous atmospheric compensation (AAC) of high resolution hyperspectral thermal infrared remote-sensing imagery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(6), 2557-2570.
Justice, C, Belward, A, Morisette, J, Lewis, P, Privette, J, Baret, F (2000). Developments in the 'validation' of satellite sensor products for the study of the land surface. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(17), 3383-3390.
Miura, T, Huete, AR, Yoshioka, H (2000). Evaluation of sensor calibration uncertainties on vegetation indices for MODIS. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 1399-1409.
Yoshioka, H, Huete, AR, Miura, T (2000). Derivation of vegetation isoline equations in red-NIR reflectance space. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(2), 838-848.
Montgomery, H, Che, NZ, Parker, K, Bowser, J (2000). The algorithm for MODIS wavelength on-orbit calibration using the SRCA. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(2), 877-884.
Lucht, W, Schaaf, CB, Strahler, AH (2000). An algorithm for the retrieval of albedo from space using semiempirical BRDF models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(2), 977-998.
Gao, BC (2000). A practical method for simulating AVHRR-consistent NDVI data series using narrow MODIS channels in the 0.5-1.0 mu m spectral range. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(4), 1969-1975.
Roy, DP (2000). The impact of misregistration upon composited wide field of view satellite data and implications for change detection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(4), 2017-2032.
Kaufman, YJ, Karnieli, A, Tanre, D (2000). Detection of dust over deserts using satellite data in the solar wavelengths. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 38(1), 525-531.
Brown, L, Chen, JM, Leblanc, SG, Cihlar, J (2000). A shortwave infrared modification to the simple ratio for LAI retrieval in boreal forests: An image and model analysis. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 71(1), 16-25.
Hu, BX, Lucht, W, Strahler, AH, Schaaf, CB, Smith, M (2000). Surface albedos and angle-corrected NDVI from AVHRR observations of South America. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 71(2), 119-132.
Lymburner, L, Beggs, PJ, Jacobson, CR (2000). Estimation of canopy-average surface-specific leaf area using Landsat TM data. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 66(2), 183-191.
Fraser, RH, Li, Z, Cihlar, J (2000). Hotspot and NDVI differencing synergy (HANDS): A new technique for burned area mapping over boreal forest. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(3), 362-376.
Gao, BC, Li, RR (2000). Quantitative improvement in the estimates of NDVI values from remotely sensed data by correcting thin cirrus scattering effects. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(3), 494-502.
Gao, X, Huete, AR, Ni, WG, Miura, T (2000). Optical-biophysical relationships of vegetation spectra without background contamination. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 74(3), 609-620.
Fuller, DO (2000). Satellite remote sensing of biomass burning with optical and thermal sensors. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 24(4), 543-561.
Gasso, S, Hegg, DA, Covert, DS, Collins, D, Noone, KJ, Ostrom, E, Schmid, B, Russell, PB, Livingston, JM, Durkee, PA, Jonsson, H (2000). Influence of humidity on the aerosol scattering coefficient and its effect on the upwelling radiance during ACE-2. TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY, 52(2), 546-567.
Barnes, RA, Barnes, WL, Lyu, CH, Gales, JM (2000). An overview of the visible and infrared scanner radiometric calibration algorithm. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 17(4), 395-405.
Cachorro, VE, Duran, P, Vergaz, R, de Frutos, AM (2000). Columnar physical and radiative properties of atmospheric aerosols in north central Spain. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D6), 7161-7175.
Ferrare, R, Ismail, S, Browell, E, Brackett, V, Kooi, S, Clayton, M, Hobbs, PV, Hartley, S, Veefkind, JP, Russell, P, Livingston, J, Tanre, D, Hignett, P (2000). "Comparisons of LASE, aircraft, and satellite measurements of aerosol optical properties and water vapor during TARFOX". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D8), 9935-9947.
Rolland, P, Liou, KN, King, MD, Tsay, SC, McFarquhar, GM (2000). Remote sensing of optical and microphysical properties of cirrus clouds using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer channels: Methodology and sensitivity to physical assumptions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D9), 11721-11738.
Baum, BA, Kratz, DP, Yang, P, Ou, SC, Hu, YX, Soulen, PF, Tsay, SC (2000). Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS 1. Data and models. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D9), 11767-11780.
Baum, BA, Soulen, PF, Strabala, KI, King, MD, Ackerman, SA, Menzel, WP, Yang, P (2000). Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS 2. Cloud thermodynamic phase. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D9), 11781-11792.
Baum, BA, Spinhirne, JD (2000). Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS 3. Cloud overlap. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 105(D9), 11793-11804.
Hautecoeur, O, Leroy, M (2000). An accuracy assessment experiment of the BRDF measured at coarse spatial resolution from space. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(15), 2957-2963.
Muchoney, D, Borak, J, Chi, H, Friedl, M, Gopal, S, Hodges, J, Morrow, N, Strahler, A (2000). Application of the MODIS global supervised classification model to vegetation and land cover mapping of Central America. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1115-1138.
El Saleous, NZ, Vermote, EF, Justice, CO, Townshend, JRG, Tucker, CJ, Goward, SN (2000). Improvements in the global biospheric record from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1251-1277.
Hansen, MC, Defries, RS, Townshend, JRG, Sohlberg, R (2000). Global land cover classification at 1km spatial resolution using a classification tree approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1331-1364.
Zhan, X, Defries, R, Townshend, JRG, Dimiceli, C, Hansen, M, Huang, C, Sohlberg, R (2000). The 250 m global land cover change product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer of NASA's Earth Observing System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1433-1460.
Janetos, AC, Justice, CO (2000). Land cover and global productivity: a measurement strategy for the NASA programme. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1491-1512.
Ma, XL, Wan, ZM, Moeller, CC, Menzel, WP, Gumley, LE, Zhang, YL (2000). Retrieval of geophysical parameters from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer thermal infrared data: Evaluation of a two-step physical algorithm. APPLIED OPTICS, 39(20), 3537-3550.
Teillet, PM, El Saleous, N, Hansen, MC, Eidenshink, JC, Justice, CO, Townshend, JRG (2000). An evaluation of the global 1-km AVHRR land dataset. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(10), 1987-2021.
Lucht, W, Lewis, P (2000). Theoretical noise sensitivity of BRDF and albedo retrieval from the EOS-MODIS and MISR sensors with respect to angular sampling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(1), 81-98.
Kleidman, RG, Kaufman, YJ, Gao, BC, Remer, LA, Brackett, VG, Ferrare, RA, Browell, EV, Ismail, S (2000). Remote sensing of total precipitable water vapor in the near-IR over ocean glint. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 27(17), 2657-2660.
Kaufman, YJ, Holben, BN, Tanre, D, Slutsker, I, Smirnov, A, Eck, TF (2000). Will aerosol measurements from Terra and Aqua polar orbiting satellites represent the daily aerosol abundance and properties?. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 27(23), 3861-3864.
Friedl, MA, Muchoney, D, McIver, D, Gao, F, Hodges, JCF, Strahler, AH (2000). Characterization of North American land cover from NOAA-AVHRR data using the EOS MODIS land cover classification algorithm. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 27(7), 977-980.
Chimitdorzhiev, TN, Efremenko, VV (2000). Use of different vegetation indices in remote sensing of ecosystems. EARTH OBSERVATION AND REMOTE SENSING, 16(3), 419-430.
Heinemann, T, Fischer, J (2000). Remote sensing of total direct aerosol radiative forcing from MERIS measurements: A comparison of two different retrieval schemes. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH PART B-HYDROLOGY OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, 25(2), 101-106.