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MODIS Meetings - January 2010 Poster Session

Below are the posters that were presented at the January 2010 MODIS Science Team Meeting. Underneath each presentation's title you will see a link to download the PDF version of the presentation.
Atmosphere | Calibration | Land | Ocean | DAAC | Other
Development of new forward libraries for MOD06 optical properties
Nandana Amarasinghe, Steven Platnick and the Cloud Retrieval Group
PDF (540 KB)
Impact of Aqua Misregistration on MYD06 Cloud Retrieval Properties
G. Thomas Arnold, Paul A. Hubanks, Steven Platnick, Michael D. King, Ralf Bennartz
PDF (1.1 MB)
Recent Progress: Bulk Scattering Models for the Remote Sensing of Ice Clouds
Bryan A. Baum, Ping Yang, Andrew Heymsfield, Carl Schmitt, Aaron Bansemer, Yu Xie, Lei Bi, and Zhibo Zhang
PDF (604 KB)
Transition of Cloud Products from MODIS to VIIRS
Geoff P. Cureton and Liam E. Gumley
PDF (824 KB)
Using Sun and Aureole Measurements (SAM) to Check MODIS COD and Reff Retrievals for Cirrus
J.G. DeVore, A.T. Stair, A.J. LePage, D. Villanucci
PDF (304 KB)
Use of CALIOP Cloud Data for VIIRS and MODIS Cloud Mask Validation
Richard A. Frey, Robert E. Holz, Steven Dutcher, and Andrew Heidinger
PDF (264 KB)
MODIS Cloud Fraction Data to aid Landsat Global Coverage
John Gasch & Lazarus Oreopoulos
PDF (1.1 MB)
Statistics of MODIS radiances and Calipso backscatter in clear areas near clouds
Tamas Varnai & Alexander Marshak
PDF (1.4 MB)
Improving MODIS Cloud Cover Properties Algorithm through comparisons with CALIOP and merging with AIRS Data
Kerry Meyer & Steven Platnick
PDF (560 KB)
Improving MOD06 Thin Cirrus Cloud Optical Thickness Retrievals Using 1.38 µm
Paul Menzel, Richard Frey, Elisabeth Weisz, Robert Holz, Bryan Baum, & Steve Dutcher
PDF (436 KB)
Direct Comparison of VIIRS mini-IDPS v0.48 to MODIS C005 Cloud Properties
Min Oo, Robert Holz, Geoff Cureton, Steve Dutcher, and Liam Gumley
PDF (1 MB)
(Almost) Ten Years of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Retrievals from MODIS Terra: Trending Analysis
Steven Platnick, Michael D. King, Paul Hubanks, Galina Wind, G. Thomas Arnold, Nandana Amarasinghe, Steven A. Ackerman
PDF (1 MB)
MODIS Deep Blue: Validation of recent products and future plans
Clare Salustro, Christina Hsu, and M.J. Jeong
PDF (876 KB)
A Detailed Study of Aerosol in the Vicinity of Clouds from MODIS, ASTER and CERES
Guoyong Wen, Alexander Marshak, and Robert F. Cahalan, Lorraine Remer, and Shana Mattoo
PDF (532 KB)
MODIS Cloud Microphysics Product (MOD_PR06OD) Data Collection 6 Updates
Gala Wind, Steven Platnick, Michael D. King
PDF (1.6 MB)
Terra-CERES Cloud Object Data for Cloud-Climate Process Studies
Kuan-Man Xu, Takmeng Wong, Shengtao Dong, Feng Chen, and Zachary Eitzen
PDF (676 KB)
Effects of Cloud Vertical Inhomogeneity on Ice Cloud Property Retrievals using Solar and IR Methods
Zhibo Zhang & Steven Platnick
PDF (620 KB)
An assessment of MODIS marine boundary layer cloud property retrievals based on a Large-Eddy simulation
Z. Zhang, S. Platnick, B. Stevens
PDF (1.5 MB)
Aerosol Absorption Measurements with MODIS
Li Zhu, J. Vanderlei Martins, Lorraine Remer
PDF (512 KB)
Studies in Cirrus Microphysics using MODIS-IR Observations
Andrew K. Heidinger, Bryan Baum, Michael Pavolonis, Steve Platnick, Ping Yang, Zhibo Zhang
PDF (424 KB)
Temporal Variability of Spectral Albedo at Table Mountain, Colorado SURFRAD Site
G. Hodges, E.G. Dutton, and J.J. Michalsky
PDF (2 MB)
Dark Target aerosol retrievals from MODIS: What have we learned in 10 years
Robert Levy, Lorraine Remer, Richard Kleidman, Shana Mattoo, Thomas Eck, G. Leptoukh, R. Kahn, D. Tanre
PDF (504 KB)
Assessing MODIS Aerosol Products Using AERONET Ground Measurements
Jing Li, Barbara E. Carlson, Andrew A. Lacis
PDF (968 KB)
MODIS aerosol products in Collection 6: Moving towards multisensor fusion and interdisciplinary studies
S. Mattoo, R.C. Levy and L.A. Remer
PDF (356 KB)
Applications of Infrared Derived Microphysical Information Using MODIS
Michael J. Pavolonis and Andrew K. Heidinger
PDF (704 KB)
An Efficient and Flexible Framework for Real-time Satellite Inter-calibration
Greg Quinn, David Tobin, Frederick Nagle, Walter Wolf, Robert Holz, Liam Gumley, Steve Dutcher
PDF (3.7 MB)

Robert Wolfe, Edward Masuoka, Carol Davidson, Gang Ye, Sadashiva Devadiga
PDF (3.5 MB)
Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Data into the SAC-HT/SNOW17 Model over the Western US
Jiarui Dong, Mike Ek, Pedro Restrepo, Dongjun Seo, Christa Peters-Lidard, Brian Cosgrove, Victor Koren, Michael Smith
PDF (3.5 MB)
MODIS Global Land Cover: Algorithm Refinements and Characterization of New Datasets
Mark Friedl, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Bin Tan, Annemarie Schneider, Navin Ramankutty, Adam Sibley and Xiaoman Huang
PDF (1 MB)
Vegetation Phenology from MODIS / AVHRR / PhenoCam: scaling and validation possibilities
Koen Hufkens, Mark A. Friedl, Andrew Richardson, Thomas Milliman, Mirco Migliavacca
PDF (1.1 MB)
ORNL DAAC MODIS Tools – Status and future developments
Suresh K. Santhana Vannan, Robert B. Cook,and Bruce E. Wilson
PDF (1 MB)
Validation of the V5 MODIS Land-Surface Temperature Product Worldwide
Zhengming Wan
PDF (152 KB)
MODIS NPP variations and trends from 2000 to 2008 and MODIS Evapotranspiration (ET) and Disturbance Index (DI) datasets
Maosheng Zhao, David Mildrexler, Qiaozhen Mu and Steven W. Running
PDF (280 KB)

Validation of a "Universal" Particulate Scattering Phase Function with Measurements and Simulation of Upwelling Hemispherical Radiance Distributions
Art Gleason, Ken Voss, Howard Gordon
PDF (468 KB)
Modeling Global Water-leaving Radiances
W. Gregg
PDF (1 MB)
Sea Surface Temperatures from MODIS
P.J. Minnett, R.H. Evans, M. Framinan, M.Szczodrak, M. Izaguirre, and R.M. Reynolds
PDF (5.2 MB)
Characterizing the MODIS Chlorophyll Product Uncertainty
Timothy S. Moore and Janet W. Campbell
PDF (432 KB)


MODIS Terrestrial Products at the Land Processes Data Center: A Decade of Archiving and Distributing Valuable Land Data to the Global Community
Bhaskar Ramachandran and David Meyer
PDF (4.5 MB)


MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting NPP Science Data Segment Data Flow Diagram
Robert Schweiss
PDF (4.1 MB)


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