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Your search has returned 32 results.


Li, RH; Wang, DD; Devadiga, S; Sarkar, S; Roman, MO (2025). MCD18 V6.2: A New Version of MODIS Downward Shortwave Radiation and Photosynthetically Active Radiation Products. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 22, 2500305.


Shah, D; Zhang, S; Sarkar, S; Davidson, C; Zhang, R; Zhao, MS; Devadiga, S; Noojipady, P; Roman, MO; Gao, HL (2024). Transitioning from MODIS to VIIRS Global Water Reservoir Product. SCIENTIFIC DATA, 11(1), 209.


Lyapustin, A; Wang, YJ; Choi, M; Xiong, XX; Angal, A; Wu, AS; Doelling, DR; Bhatt, R; Go, S; Korkin, S; Franz, B; Meister, G; Sayer, AM; Roman, M; Holz, RE; Meyer, K; Gleason, J; Levy, R (2023). Calibration of the SNPP and NOAA 20 VIIRS sensors for continuity of the MODIS climate data records. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 295, 113717.


Wang, ZS; Roman, MO; Kalb, VL; Miller, SD; Zhang, JL; Shrestha, RM (2021). Quantifying uncertainties in nighttime light retrievals from Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 263, 112557.


Hall, DK; Riggs, GA; DiGirolamo, NE; Roman, MO (2019). Evaluation of MODIS and VIIRS cloud-gap-filled snow-cover products for production of an Earth science data record. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 23(12), 5227-5241.


Jiao, ZT; Dong, YD; Schaaf, CB; Chen, JM; Roman, M; Wang, ZS; Zhang, H; Ding, AX; Erb, A; Hill, MJ; Zhang, XN; Strahler, A (2018). An algorithm for the retrieval of the clumping index (CI) from the MODIS BRDF product using an adjusted version of the kernel-driven BRDF model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 209, 594-611.

Jiao, ZT; Zhang, XN; Breon, FM; Dong, YD; Schaaf, CB; Roman, M; Wang, ZS; Cui, L; Yin, SY; Ding, AX; Wang, JD (2018). The influence of spatial resolution on the angular variation patterns of optical reflectance as retrieved from MODIS and POLDER measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 215, 371-385.

Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Shuai, YM; Roman, MO (2018). Capturing rapid land surface dynamics with Collection V006 MODIS BRDF/NBAR/Albedo (MCD43) products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 207, 50-64.


Liu, Y; Wang, Z; Sun, Q; Erb, AM; Li, Z; Schaaf, CB; Zhang, X; Roman, MO; Scott, RL; Zhang, Q; Novick, KA; Bret-Harte, MS; Petroy, S; SanClements, M (2017). Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR products suite and an assessment of continuity with the long term MODIS record. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 256-274.

Moustafa, SE; Rennermalm, AK; Roman, MO; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Smith, LC; Koenig, LS; Erb, A (2017). Evaluation of satellite remote sensing albedo retrievals over the ablation area of the southwestern Greenland ice sheet. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 115-125.

Pahlevan, N; Sarkar, S; Devadiga, S; Wolfe, RE; Roman, M; Vermote, E; Lin, GQ; Xiong, XX (2017). Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE, 55(1), 183-196.

Pahlevan, N; Sarkar, S; Devadiga, S; Wolfe, RE; Roman, M; Vermote, E; Lin, GQ; Xiong, XX (2017). Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 183-196.

Riggs, GA; Hall, DK; Roman, MO (2017). Overview of NASA's MODIS and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) snow-cover Earth System Data Records. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 9(2), 765-777.

Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Kim, J; Erb, AM; Gao, F; Roman, MO; Yang, Y; Petroy, S; Taylor, JR; Masek, JG; Morisette, JT; Zhang, XY; Papuga, SA (2017). Monitoring land surface albedo and vegetation dynamics using high spatial and temporal resolution synthetic time series from Landsat and the MODIS BRDF/NBAR/albedo product. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 59, 104-117.


Campagnolo, ML; Sun, QS; Liu, Y; Schaaf, C; Wang, ZS; Roman, MO (2016). Estimating the effective spatial resolution of the operational BRDF, albedo, and nadir reflectance products from MODIS and VIIRS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 175, 52-64.

Kang, YH; Ozdogan, M; Zipper, SC; Roman, MO; Walker, J; Hong, SY; Marshall, M; Magliulo, V; Moreno, J; Alonso, L; Miyata, A; Kimball, B; Loheide, SP (2016). How Universal Is the Relationship between Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices and Crop Leaf Area Index? A Global Assessment. REMOTE SENSING, 8(7), 597.

Wang, ZS; Erb, AM; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Liu, Y; Yang, Y; Shuai, YM; Casey, KA; Roman, MO (2016). Early spring post-fire snow albedo dynamics in high latitude boreal forests using Landsat-8 OLI data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 185, 71-83.


Gatebe, C. K.; Ichoku, C. M.; Poudyal, R.; Roman, M. O.; Wilcox, E. (2014). Surface albedo darkening from wildfires in northern sub-Saharan Africa. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 9(6), 65003.

Guillevic, Pierre C.; Biard, James C.; Hulley, Glynn C.; Privette, Jeffrey L.; Hook, Simon J.; Olioso, Albert; Goettsche, Frank M.; Radocinski, Robert; Roman, Miguel O.; Yu, Yunyue; Csiszar, Ivan (2014). Validation of Land Surface Temperature products derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) using ground-based and heritage satellite measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 154, 19-37.

Wang, Zhuosen; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Strahler, Alan H.; Chopping, Mark J.; Roman, Miguel O.; Shuai, Yanmin; Woodcock, Curtis E.; Hollinger, David Y.; Fitzjarrald, David R. (2014). Evaluation of MODIS albedo product (MCD43A) over grassland, agriculture and forest surface types during dormant and snow-covered periods. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 140, 60-77.


Roman, MO; Gatebe, CK; Shuai, YM; Wang, ZS; Gao, F; Masek, JG; He, T; Liang, SL; Schaaf, CB (2013). Use of In Situ and Airborne Multiangle Data to Assess MODIS- and Landsat-Based Estimates of Directional Reflectance and Albedo. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 51(3), 1393-1404.


Cescatti, A; Marcolla, B; Vannan, SKS; Pan, JY; Roman, MO; Yang, XY; Ciais, P; Cook, RB; Law, BE; Matteucci, G; Migliavacca, M; Moors, E; Richardson, AD; Seufert, G; Schaaf, CB (2012). Intercomparison of MODIS albedo retrievals and in situ measurements across the global FLUXNET network. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 121, 323-334.

Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Chopping, MJ; Strahler, AH; Wang, JD; Roman, MO; Rocha, AV; Woodcock, CE; Shuai, YM (2012). Evaluation of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow albedo product (MCD43A) over tundra. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 117, 264-280.


Hill, MJ; Roman, MO; Schaaf, CB; Hutley, L; Brannstrom, C; Etter, A; Hanan, NP (2011). Characterizing vegetation cover in global savannas with an annual foliage clumping index derived from the MODIS BRDF product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(8), 2008-2024.

Roman, MO; Gatebe, CK; Schaaf, CB; Poudyal, R; Wang, ZS; King, MD (2011). Variability in surface BRDF at different spatial scales (30 m-500 m) over a mixed agricultural landscape as retrieved from airborne and satellite spectral measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(9), 2184-2203.


Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB, Lewis, P, Gao, F, Anderson, GP, Privette, JL, Strahler, AH, Woodcock, CE, Barnsley, M (2010). Assessing the coupling between surface albedo derived from MODIS and the fraction of diffuse skylight over spatially-characterized landscapes. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 738-760.


Liu, JC, Schaaf, C, Strahler, A, Jiao, ZT, Shuai, YM, Zhang, QL, Roman, M, Augustine, JA, Dutton, EG (2009). Validation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo retrieval algorithm: Dependence of albedo on solar zenith angle. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D01106.

Rutan, D, Rose, F, Roman, M, Manalo-Smith, N, Schaaf, C, Charlock, T (2009). Development and assessment of broadband surface albedo from Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Clouds and Radiation Swath data product. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D08125.


Coddington, O, Schmidt, KS, Pilewskie, P, Gore, WJ, Bergstrom, RW, Roman, M, Redemann, J, Russell, PB, Liu, JC, Schaaf, CC (2008). Aircraft measurements of spectral surface albedo and its consistency with ground-based and space-borne observations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D17), D17209.

Knobelspiesse, KD, Cairns, B, Schmid, B, Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB (2008). Surface BRDF estimation from an aircraft compared to MODIS and ground estimates at the Southern Great Plains site. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D20), D20105.

Stone, RS, Anderson, GP, Shettle, EP, Andrews, E, Loukachine, K, Dutton, EG, Schaaf, C, Roman, MO (2008). Radiative impact of boreal smoke in the Arctic: Observed and modeled. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D14), D14S16.

Potter, S; Solvik, K; Erb, A; Goetz, SJ; Johnstone, JF; Mack, MC; Randerson, JT; Roman, MO; Schaaf, CL; Turetsky, MR; Veraverbeke, S; Walker, XJ; Wang, ZS; Massey, R; Rogers, BM (). Climate change decreases the cooling effect from postfire albedo in boreal North America. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY.