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Agarwal, R, Gupta, R, Garg, JK (2009). A Hierarchical Model for Estimating Methane Emission from Wetlands using MODIS Data and ARIMA Modeling. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 37(3), 473-481.
Garonna, I, Fazey, I, Brown, ME, Pettorelli, N (2009). "Rapid primary productivity changes in one of the last coastal rainforests: the case of Kahua, Solomon Islands". ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, 36(3), 253-260.
Reid, JS, Hyer, EJ, Prins, EM, Westphal, DL, Zhang, JL, Wang, J, Christopher, SA, Curtis, CA, Schmidt, CC, Eleuterio, DP, Richardson, KA, Hoffman, JP (2009). Global Monitoring and Forecasting of Biomass-Burning Smoke: Description of and Lessons From the Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) Program. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2(3), 144-162.
Alcantara, E, Barbosa, C, Stech, J, Novo, E, Shimabukuro, Y (2009). Improving the spectral unmixing algorithm to map water turbidity Distributions. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 24(9), 1051-1061.
Coops, NC, Wulder, MA, Iwanicka, D (2009). Demonstration of a satellite-based index to monitor habitat at continental-scales. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 9(5), 948-958.
Hachem, S, Allard, M, Duguay, C (2009). "Using the MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product for Mapping Permafrost: An Application to Northern Quebec and Labrador, Canada". PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, 20(4), 407-416.
Schneider, A, Friedl, MA, Potere, D (2009). A new map of global urban extent from MODIS satellite data. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 44003.
Hu, YH, Jia, GS, Guo, HD (2009). "Linking primary production, climate and land use along an urban-wildland transect: a satellite view". ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 44009.
Gitelson, AA, Gurlin, D, Moses, WJ, Barrow, T (2009). A bio-optical algorithm for the remote estimation of the chlorophyll-a concentration in case 2 waters. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45003.
Moses, WJ, Gitelson, AA, Berdnikov, S, Povazhnyy, V (2009). Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in case II waters using MODIS and MERIS data-successes and challenges. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45005.
John, R, Chen, JQ, Lu, N, Wilske, B (2009). Land cover/land use change in semi-arid Inner Mongolia: 1992-2004. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45010.
de Beurs, KM, Wright, CK, Henebry, GM (2009). Dual scale trend analysis for evaluating climatic and anthropogenic effects on the vegetated land surface in Russia and Kazakhstan. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45012.
Georgievsky, MV (2009). Application of the Snowmelt Runoff model in the Kuban river basin using MODIS satellite images. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45017.
Kovalskyy, V, Henebry, GM (2009). Change and persistence in land surface phenologies of the Don and Dnieper river basins. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45018.
Bartsch, A, Balzter, H, George, C (2009). The influence of regional surface soil moisture anomalies on forest fires in Siberia observed from satellites. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(4), 45021.
Rian, S, Xue, YK, MacDonald, GM, Toure, MB, Yu, YF, De Sales, F, Levine, PA, Doumbia, S, Taylor, CE (2009). Analysis of Climate and Vegetation Characteristics along the Savanna-Desert Ecotone in Mali Using MODIS Data. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 46(4), 424-450.
Guo, JP, Xiao, HD, Xue, Y, Che, HZ, Zhang, XY, Cao, CX, Guang, J, Zhang, H (2009). A new method to retrieve aerosol optical thickness from satellite images on a parallel system. PARTICUOLOGY, 7(5), 392-398.
Cho, HM, Nasiri, SL, Yang, P (2009). Application of CALIOP Measurements to the Evaluation of Cloud Phase Derived from MODIS Infrared Channels. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 48(10), 2169-2180.
Milewski, A, Sultan, M, Jayaprakash, SM, Balekai, R, Becker, R (2009). "RESDEM, a tool for integrating temporal remote sensing data for use in hydrogeologic investigations". COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, 35(10), 2001-2010.
Chien, S, Silverman, D, Davies, AG, Mandl, D (2009). Onboard Science Processing Concepts for the HyspIRI Mission. IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 24(6), 12-19.
Moore, Timothy S.; Campbell, Janet W.; Dowell, Mark D. (2009). A class-based approach to characterizing and mapping the uncertainty of the MODIS ocean chlorophyll product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(11), 2424-2430.
Hong, KO, Suh, MS, Kang, JH (2009). Development of a Land Surface Temperature-Retrieval Algorithm from MTSAT-1R Data. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 45(4), 411-421.
Steinhoff, DF, Chaudhuri, S, Bromwich, DH (2009). A Case Study of a Ross Ice Shelf Airstream Event: A New Perspective. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 137(11), 4030-4046.
Glantz, P, Kokhanovsky, A, von Hoyningen-Huene, W, Johansson, C (2009). Estimating PM2.5 over southern Sweden using space-borne optical measurements. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 43(36), 5838-5846.
Wan, HW, Wang, JD, Liang, SL, Qin, J (2009). Estimating Leaf Area Index by Fusing MODIS and MISR Data. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 29(11), 3106-3111.
Ji, L, Zhang, L, Wylie, B (2009). Analysis of Dynamic Thresholds for the Normalized Difference Water Index. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 75(11), 1307-1317.
Sohn, BJ, Ham, SH, Yang, P (2009). Possibility of the Visible-Channel Calibration Using Deep Convective Clouds Overshooting the TTL. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 48(11), 2271-2283.
Choi, YS, Ho, CH, Oh, HR, Park, RJ, Song, CG (2009). Estimating bulk optical properties of aerosols over the western North Pacific by using MODIS and CERES measurements. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 43(35), 5654-5660.
Zhang, H, Hoff, RM, Engel-Cox, JA (2009). The Relation between Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aerosol Optical Depth and PM2.5 over the United States: A Geographical Comparison by US Environmental Protection Agency Regions. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, 59(11), 1358-1369.
Colson, F, Bogaert, J, Carneiro, A, Nelson, B, Pinage, ER, Ceulemans, R (2009). "The influence of forest definition on landscape fragmentation assessment in Rondonia, Brazil". ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 9(6), 1163-1168.
Dabrowska-Zielinska, K, Gruszczynska, M, Lewinski, S, Hoscilo, A, Bojanowski, J (2009). Application of remote and in situ information to the management of wetlands in Poland. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 90(7), 2261-2269.
Hu, RM, Sokhi, RS, Fisher, BEA (2009). New algorithms and their application for satellite remote sensing of surface PM2.5 and aerosol absorption. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 40(5), 394-402.
He, K, Zhang, JT (2009). "Testing the correlation between beta diversity and differences in productivity among global ecoregions, biomes, and biogeographical realms". ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 4(2), 93-98.
Lin, WY, Zhang, MH, Loeb, NG (2009). Seasonal Variation of the Physical Properties of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds off the California Coast. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 22(10), 2624-2638.
Bai, ZG, Dent, D (2009). Recent Land Degradation and Improvement in China. AMBIO, 38(3), 150-156.
Meng, QM, Borders, BE, Cieszewski, CJ, Madden, M (2009). Closest Spectral Fit for Removing Clouds and Cloud Shadows. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 75(5), 569-576.
Maselli, F, Massi, L, Pieri, M, Santini, C (2009). Spectral Angle Minimization for the Retrieval of Optically Active Seawater Constituents from MODIS Data. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 75(5), 595-605.
Hu, XQ, Liu, JJ, Qiu, KM, Fan, TX, Zhang, YX, Rong, ZG, Zhang, LJ (2009). New Method Study of Sites Vicarious Calibration for SZ-3/CMODIS. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 29(5), 1153-1159.
Harshvardhan, Zhao, G, Di Girolamo, L, Green, RN (2009). Satellite-Observed Location of Stratocumulus Cloud-Top Heights in the Presence of Strong Inversions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(5), 1421-1428.
Shen, HF, Zhang, LP (2009). A MAP-Based Algorithm for Destriping and Inpainting of Remotely Sensed Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(5), 1490-1500.
Jiang, GM, Yan, H, Ma, LL (2009). Intercalibration of SVISSR/FY-2C Infrared Channels Against MODIS/Terra and AIRS/Aqua Channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(5), 1548-1558.
Wang, WH, Liang, SL, Augustine, JA (2009). Estimating High Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Land Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation From MODIS Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(5), 1559-1570.
Coops, NC, Waring, RH, Wulder, MA, Pidgeon, AM, Radeloff, VC (2009). Bird diversity: a predictable function of satellite-derived estimates of seasonal variation in canopy light absorbance across the United States. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 36(5), 905-918.
Zhang, YJ, Xu, M, Chen, H, Adams, J (2009). "Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem type, geographical location and climate". GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 18(3), 280-290.
Sharma, A (2009). Comparing the Radiometric Behavior of LISS III Data of IRS 1D and IRS P6 for Landscape Ecological Application. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS, 13(1), 66-74.
Fichet-Calvet, E, Rogers, DJ (2009). Risk Maps of Lassa Fever in West Africa. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES, 3(3), e388.
Yebra, M, Chuvieco, E (2009). Generation of a Species-Specific Look-Up Table for Fuel Moisture Content Assessment. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2(1), 21-26.
Miao, SG, Chen, F, Lemone, MA, Tewari, M, Li, QC, Wang, YC (2009). An Observational and Modeling Study of Characteristics of Urban Heat Island and Boundary Layer Structures in Beijing. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 48(3), 484-501.
Chand, D, Wood, R, Anderson, TL, Satheesh, SK, Charlson, RJ (2009). Satellite-derived direct radiative effect of aerosols dependent on cloud cover. NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2(3), 181-184.
Nagler, PL, Morino, K, Didan, K, Erker, J, Osterberg, J, Hultine, KR, Glenn, EP (2009). Wide-area estimates of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) evapotranspiration on the lower Colorado River measured by heat balance and remote sensing methods. ECOHYDROLOGY, 2(1), 18-33.
Rechid, D, Raddatz, T, Jacob, D (2009). Parameterization of snow-free land surface albedo as a function of vegetation phenology based on MODIS data and applied in climate modelling. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 95(4-Mar), 245-255.
Munyati, C, Kabanda, TA (2009). "Using multitemporal Landsat TM imagery to establish land use pressure induced trends in forest and woodland cover in sections of the Soutpansberg Mountains of Venda region, Limpopo Province, South Africa". REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, 9(1), 41-56.
Xiong, XX, Wenny, BN, Wu, AS, Barnes, WL, Salomonson, VV (2009). "Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Band On-Orbit Calibration, Characterization, and Performance". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(3), 803-814.
Fougnie, B, Bach, R (2009). Monitoring of Radiometric Sensitivity Changes of Space Sensors Using Deep Convective Clouds: Operational Application to PARASOL. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(3), 851-861.
Vermote, E, Justice, CO, Breon, FM (2009). Towards a Generalized Approach for Correction of the BRDF Effect in MODIS Directional Reflectances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(3), 898-908.
Moser, G, Serpico, SB (2009). Automatic Parameter Optimization for Support Vector Regression for Land and Sea Surface Temperature Estimation From Remote Sensing Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(3), 909-921.
Wang, F, Zhou, B, Xu, JM, Ling, ZY, Zhuo, GD (2009). Surface Spectral Measurement and Characteristics Analysis of Turbid Water in Hangzhou Bay. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 29(3), 730-734.
Doutriaux-Boucher, M, Dubuisson, P (2009). Detection of volcanic SO2 by spaceborne infrared radiometers. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 92(1), 69-79.
Delfino, RJ, Brummel, S, Wu, J, Stern, H, Ostro, B, Lipsett, M, Winer, A, Street, DH, Zhang, L, Tjoa, T, Gillen, DL (2009). The relationship of respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions to the southern California wildfires of 2003. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 66(3), 189-197.
Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Gerard, F, Balzter, H, Riano, D (2009). Analysing forest recovery after wildfire disturbance in boreal Siberia using remotely sensed vegetation indices. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 15(3), 561-577.
Archibald, S, Roy, DP, van Wilgen, BW, Scholes, RJ (2009). What limits fire? An examination of drivers of burnt area in Southern Africa. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 15(3), 613-630.
Karlsen, SR, Ramfjord, H, Hogda, KA, Johansen, B, Danks, FS, Brobakk, TE (2009). A satellite-based map of onset of birch (Betula) flowering in Norway. AEROBIOLOGIA, 25(1), 15-25.
Sheng, JF, Wilson, JP, Lee, S (2009). Comparison of land surface temperature (LST) modeled with a spatially-distributed solar radiation model (SRAD) and remote sensing data. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 24(3), 436-443.
Zhao, B, Yan, Y, Guo, HQ, He, MM, Gu, YJ, Li, B (2009). Monitoring rapid vegetation succession in estuarine wetland using time series MODIS-based indicators: An application in the Yangtze River Delta area. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 9(2), 346-356.
Song, XY, Li, JB (2009). Land Cover Change Detection Using MSS and MODIS Data: A Case Study for Liangshan-Xiangling Region in Southwestern China. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS, 13(2), 119-126.
Song, XG, Li, DR, Shan, XJ, Liao, MS, Cheng, L (2009). Correction of atmospheric effect in ASAR interferogram using GPS and MODIS data. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 52(6), 1457-1464.
Nichol, JE, Wong, MS (2009). High Resolution Remote Sensing of Densely Urbanised Regions: a Case Study of Hong Kong. SENSORS, 9(6), 4695-4708.
Smith, RB, Schafer, P, Kirshbaum, D, Regina, E (2009). Orographic Enhancement of Precipitation inside Hurricane Dean. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 10(3), 820-831.
Fairlie, TD, Szykman, J, Gilliland, A, Pierce, RB, Kittaka, C, Weber, S, Engel-Cox, J, Rogers, RR, Tikvart, J, Scheffe, R, Dimmick, F (2009). "Lagrangian sampling of 3-D air quality model results for regional transport contributions to sulfate aerosol concentrations at Baltimore, MD, in summer 2004". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 43(20), 3275-3288.
Kotarba, AZ (2009). A comparison of MODIS-derived cloud amount with visual surface observations. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 92(4), 522-530.
Hu, CM, Muller-Karger, F, Murch, B, Myhre, D, Taylor, J, Luerssen, R, Moses, C, Zhang, CY, Gramer, L, Hendee, J (2009). Building an Automated Integrated Observing System to Detect Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Events in the Florida Keys. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(6), 1607-1620.
Enjolras, VM, Rodriguez, E (2009). "Using Altimetry Waveform Data and Ancillary Information From SRTM, Landsat, and MODIS to Retrieve River Characteristics". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(6), 1869-1881.
Paciorek, CJ, Liu, Y (2009). Limitations of Remotely Sensed Aerosol as a Spatial Proxy for Fine Particulate Matter. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, 117(6), 904-909.
Poulter, B, Heyder, U, Cramer, W (2009). Modeling the Sensitivity of the Seasonal Cycle of GPP to Dynamic LAI and Soil Depths in Tropical Rainforests. ECOSYSTEMS, 12(4), 517-533.
Syphard, AD, Radeloff, VC, Hawbaker, TJ, Stewart, SI (2009). Conservation Threats Due to Human-Caused Increases in Fire Frequency in Mediterranean-Climate Ecosystems. CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 23(3), 758-769.
Santin-Janin, H, Garel, M, Chapuis, JL, Pontier, D (2009). Assessing the performance of NDVI as a proxy for plant biomass using non-linear models: a case study on the Kerguelen archipelago. POLAR BIOLOGY, 32(6), 861-871.
Focardi, S, Specchiulli, A, Spagnoli, F, Fiesoletti, F, Rossi, C (2009). A combinated approach to investigate the biochemistry and hydrography of a shallow bay in the South Adriatic Sea: the Gulf of Manfredonia (Italy). ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 153(4-Jan), 209-220.
Narongrit, C, Chankao, K (2009). Development and validation of rice evapotranspiration model based on Terra/MODIS remotely sensed data. JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, 7(4-Mar), 684-689.
Che Tao, Li Xin, Jin Rui (2009). Monitoring the frozen duration of Qinghai Lake using satellite passive microwave remote sensing low frequency data. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 54(13), 2294-2299.
Liu, Y, Kahn, RA, Chaloulakou, A, Koutrakis, P (2009). "Analysis of the impact of the forest fires in August 2007 on air quality of Athens using multi-sensor aerosol remote sensing data, meteorology and surface observations". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 43(21), 3310-3318.
Wu, GF, de Leeuw, J, Liu, YL (2009). Understanding Seasonal Water Clarity Dynamics of Lake Dahuchi from In Situ and Remote Sensing Data. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 23(9), 1849-1861.
Fuller, DO, Troyo, A, Beier, JC (2009). El Nino Southern Oscillation and vegetation dynamics as predictors of dengue fever cases in Costa Rica. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(1), 14011.
Huang, JF, Zhang, CD, Prospero, JM (2009). African aerosol and large-scale precipitation variability over West Africa. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 4(1), 15006.
He, KS, Zhang, JT, Zhang, QF (2009). Linking variability in species composition and MODIS NDVI based on beta diversity measurements. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 35(1), 14-21.
Flamant, C, Lavaysse, C, Todd, MC, Chaboureau, JP, Pelon, J (2009). "Multi-platform observations of a springtime case of Bodele and Sudan dust emission, transport and scavenging over West Africa". QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 135(639), 413-430.
Zhang, N, Zhao, YS (2009). Estimating leaf area index by inversion of reflectance model for semiarid natural grasslands. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 52(1), 66-84.
Liu, Y, Chen, D, Kahn, RA, He, KB (2009). Review of the applications of Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer to air quality research. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 52(1), 132-144.
Coops, NC, Wulder, MA, Iwanicka, D (2009). An environmental domain classification of Canada using earth observation data for biodiversity assessment. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 4(1), 8-22.
Goerss, JS (2009). Impact of Satellite Observations on the Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts of the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 137(1), 41-50.
Shen, HF, Ng, MK, Li, PX, Zhang, LP (2009). Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm To MODIS Remote Sensing Images. COMPUTER JOURNAL, 52(1), 90-100.
Rajasekar, U, Weng, QH (2009). Urban heat island monitoring and analysis using a non-parametric model: A case study of Indianapolis. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 64(1), 86-96.
de la Fuente, ALC, Porcasi, X, Noireau, F, Diotaiuti, L, Gorla, DE (2009). The association between the geographic distribution of Triatoma pseudomaculata and Triatoma wygodzinskyi (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with environmental variables recorded by remote sensors. INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 9(1), 54-61.
Davidson, K, Miller, P, Wilding, TA, Shutler, J, Bresnan, E, Kennington, K, Swan, S (2009). A large and prolonged bloom of Karenia mikimotoi in Scottish waters in 2006. HARMFUL ALGAE, 8(2), 349-361.
Kampel, M, Lorenzzetti, JA, Bentz, CM, Nunes, RA, Paranhos, R, Rudorff, FM, Politano, AT (2009). "Simultaneous Measurements of Chlorophyll Concentration by Lidar, Fluorometry, above-Water Radiometry, and Ocean Color MODIS Images in the Southwestern Atlantic". SENSORS, 9(1), 528-541.
Prigarin, SM, Marshak, A (2009). A Simple Stochastic Model for Generating Broken Cloud Optical Depth and Cloud-Top Height Fields. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 66(1), 92-104.
Valente, AS, da Silva, JCB (2009). On the observability of the fortnightly cycle of the Tagus estuary turbid plume using MODIS ocean colour images. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 75(2-Jan), 131-137.
Karkee, M, Steward, BL, Tang, L, Aziz, SA (2009). Quantifying sub-pixel signature of paddy rice field using an artificial neural network. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 65(1), 65-76.
Rechid, D, Hagemann, S, Jacob, D (2009). Sensitivity of climate models to seasonal variability of snow-free land surface albedo. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 95(2-Jan), 197-221.
Atitar, M, Sobrino, JA (2009). A Split-window Algorithm for Estimating LST From Meteosat 9 Data: Test and Comparison With In Situ Data and MODIS LSTs. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 6(1), 122-126.
Yang, YH, Fang, JY, Pan, YD, Ji, CJ (2009). Aboveground biomass in Tibetan grasslands. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 73(1), 91-95.
Tilmes, C, Linda, M, Fleig, AJ (2009). Atmospheric Composition Processing System (ACPS). IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(1), 51-58.
Davies, DK, Ilavajhala, S, Wong, MM, Justice, CO (2009). Fire Information for Resource Management System: Archiving and Distributing MODIS Active Fire Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(1), 72-79.
Halem, M, Most, N, Tilmes, CA, Stewart, K, Yesha, Y, Chapman, D, Nguyen, P (2009). Service-Oriented Atmospheric Radiances (SOAR): Gridding and Analysis Services for Multisensor Aqua IR Radiance Data for Climate Studies. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(1), 114-122.
Ellicott, E, Vermote, E, Petitcolin, F, Hook, SJ (2009). Validation of a New Parametric Model for Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 47(1), 295-311.
Langner, A, Siegert, F (2009). Spatiotemporal fire occurrence in Borneo over a period of 10 years. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 15(1), 48-62.
Wang, F, Zhou, B, Xu, JM, Song, LS, Wang, X (2009). "Application of neural network and MODIS 250 m imagery for estimating suspended sediments concentration in Hangzhou Bay, China". ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY, 56(6), 1093-1101.
Jain, SK, Goswami, A, Saraf, AK (2009). Role of Elevation and Aspect in Snow Distribution in Western Himalaya. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 23(1), 71-83.
Wu, M, Zhang, W, Wang, XJ, Luo, DG (2009). Application of MODIS satellite data in monitoring water quality parameters of Chaohu Lake in China. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 148(4-Jan), 255-264.
Zhuang, QL; Zhang, TL; Xiao, JF; Luo, TX (2009). Quantification of net primary production of Chinese forest ecosystems with spatial statistical approaches. MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR GLOBAL CHANGE, 14(1), 85-99.
Lopes, DM, Aranha, JT, Walford, N, O'Brien, J, Lucas, N (2009). Accuracy of remote sensing data versus other sources of information for estimating net primary production in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Pinus pinaster Ait. ecosystems in Portugal. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 35(1), 37-53.
Feltz, WF, Bedka, KM, Otkin, JA, Greenwald, T, Ackerman, SA (2009). Understanding Satellite-Observed Mountain-Wave Signatures Using High-Resolution Numerical Model Data. WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 24(1), 76-86.
Reuter, M, Thomas, W, Albert, P, Lockhoff, M, Weber, R, Karlsson, KG, Fischer, J (2009). The CM-SAF and FUB Cloud Detection Schemes for SEVIRI: Validation with Synoptic Data and Initial Comparison with MODIS and CALIPSO. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 48(2), 301-316.
Kleissl, J, Hong, SH, Hendrickx, JMH (2009). NEW MEXICO SCINTILLOMETER NETWORK Supporting Remote Sensing and Hydrologic and Meteorological Models. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 90(2), 207-0.
Cretaux, JF, Letolle, R, Calmant, S (2009). Investigations on Aral Sea Regressions from Mirabilite Deposits and Remote Sensing. AQUATIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 15(2-Jan), 277-291.
Tian, LQ, Chen, XL, Zhang, TL, Gong, W, Chen, LQ, Lu, JZ, Zhao, X, Zhang, W, Yu, ZF (2009). Atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery over turbid coastal waters using active and passive remote sensing. CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY, 27(1), 124-128.
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Kaskaoutis, DG, Badarinath, KVS, Kharol, SK, Sharma, AR, Kambezidis, HD (2009). "Variations in the aerosol optical properties and types over the tropical urban site of Hyderabad, India". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D22204.
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Badarinath, KVS, Sharma, AR, Kharol, SK (2009). Impact of emissions from anthropogenic sources on satellite-derived reflectance. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 43(10), 1545-1554.
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Guerschman, JP, Hill, MJ, Renzullo, LJ, Barrett, DJ, Marks, AS, Botha, EJ (2009). "Estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil in the Australian tropical savanna region upscaling the EO-1 Hyperion and MODIS sensors". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(5), 928-945.
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Coops, NC, Wulder, MA, Iwanicka, D (2009). Large area monitoring with a MODIS-based Disturbance Index (DI) sensitive to annual and seasonal variations. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(6), 1250-1261.
Hulley, GC, Hook, SJ (2009). "Intercomparison of versions 4, 4.1 and 5 of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity products and validation with laboratory measurements of sand samples from the Namib desert, Namibia". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(6), 1313-1318.
Werdell, PJ, Bailey, SW, Franz, BA, Harding, LW, Feldman, GC, McClain, CR (2009). Regional and seasonal variability of chlorophyll-a in Chesapeake Bay as observed by SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(6), 1319-1330.
Thomas, HE, Watson, IM, Kearney, C, Carn, SA, Murray, SJ (2009). "A multi-sensor comparison of sulphur dioxide emissions from the 2005 eruption of Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(6), 1331-1342.
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Gross, JE, Goetz, SJ, Cihlar, J (2009). Application of remote sensing to parks and protected area monitoring: Introduction to the special issue. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(7), 1343-1345.
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Dennison, PE, Nagler, PL, Hultine, KR, Glenn, EP, Ehleringer, JR (2009). Remote monitoring of tamarisk defoliation and evapotranspiration following saltcedar leaf beetle attack. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(7), 1462-1472.
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Hird, JN, McDermid, GJ (2009). Noise reduction of NDVI time series: An empirical comparison of selected techniques. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(1), 248-258.
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Savoie, MH, Armstrong, RL, Brodzik, MJ, Wang, JR (2009). Atmospheric corrections for improved satellite passive microwave snow cover retrievals over the Tibet Plateau. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(12), 2661-2669.
Chen, SS, Huang, WR, Wang, HQ, Li, D (2009). "Remote sensing assessment of sediment re-suspension during Hurricane Frances in Apalachicola Bay, USA". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(12), 2670-2681.
Fontana, FMA, Trishchenko, AP, Khlopenkov, KV, Luo, Y, Wunderle, S (2009). Impact of orthorectification and spatial sampling on maximum NDVI composite data in mountain regions. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(12), 2701-2712.
Sakamoto, T, Van Phung, C, Kotera, A, Nguyen, KD, Yokozawa, M (2009). Analysis of rapid expansion of inland aquaculture and triple rice-cropping areas in a coastal area of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta using MODIS time-series imagery. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, 92(1), 34-46.
Wang, WH, Liang, SL (2009). Estimation of high-spatial resolution clear-sky longwave downward and net radiation over land surfaces from MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(4), 745-754.
Komick, NM, Costa, MPF, Gower, J (2009). Bio-optical algorithm evaluation for MODIS for western Canada coastal waters: An exploratory approach using in situ reflectance. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(4), 794-804.
Rautiainen, M, Nilson, T, Lukk, T (2009). Seasonal reflectance trends of hemiboreal birch forests. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(4), 805-815.
Galvao, LS, Roberts, DA, Formaggio, AR, Numata, I, Breunig, FM (2009). View angle effects on the discrimination of soybean varieties and on the relationships between vegetation indices and yield using off-nadir Hyperion data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(4), 846-856.
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Zhang, QY, Middleton, EM, Margolis, HA, Drolet, GG, Barr, AA, Black, TA (2009). Can a satellite-derived estimate of the fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll (FAPAR(chl)) improve predictions of light-use efficiency and ecosystem photosynthesis for a boreal aspen forest?. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(4), 880-888.
Pavelsky, TM, Smith, LC (2009). "Remote sensing of suspended sediment concentration, flow velocity, and lake recharge in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada". WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 45, W11417.
Wu, DL, Ackerman, SA, Davies, R, Diner, DJ, Garay, MJ, Kahn, BH, Maddux, BC, Moroney, CM, Stephens, GL, Veefkind, JP, Vaughan, MA (2009). "Vertical distributions and relationships of cloud occurrence frequency as observed by MISR, AIRS, MODIS, OMI, CALIPSO, and CloudSat". GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 36, L09821.
Wilcox, EM, Harshvardhan, Platnick, S (2009). Estimate of the impact of absorbing aerosol over cloud on the MODIS retrievals of cloud optical thickness and effective radius using two independent retrievals of liquid water path. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D05210.
Tang, QH, Peterson, S, Cuenca, RH, Hagimoto, Y, Lettenmaier, DP (2009). Satellite-based near-real-time estimation of irrigated crop water consumption. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D05114.
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