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Your search has returned 120 results.
Gao, S; Zhang, XY; Zhang, HK; Shen, Y; Roy, DP; Wang, WL; Schaaf, C (2024). A new constant scattering angle solar geometry definition for normalization of GOES-R ABI reflectance times series to support land surface phenology studies. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 315, 114407.
Shen, Y; Zhang, XY; Gao, S; Zhang, HK; Schaaf, C; Wang, WL; Ye, YC; Liu, YX; Tran, KH (2024). Analyzing GOES-R ABI BRDF-adjusted EVI2 time series by comparing with VIIRS observations over the CONUS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 302, 113972.
Ingty, T; Erb, A; Zhang, XY; Schaaf, C; Bawa, KS (2023). Climate change is leading to rapid shifts in seasonality in the himalaya. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY.
S?nchez-Zapero, J; Mart?nez-S?nchez, E; Camacho, F; Wang, ZS; Carrer, D; Schaaf, C; Garc?a-Haro, FJ; Nickeson, J; Cosh, M (2023). Surface ALbedo VALidation (SALVAL) Platform: Towards CEOS LPV Validation Stage 4-Application to Three Global Albedo Climate Data Records. REMOTE SENSING, 15(4), 1081.
Chopping, M; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, C; Bull, MA; Duchesne, RR (2022). Forest aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from a MISR multi-angle index, 2000-2015. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 275, 112964.
Erb, AM; Li, Z; Sun, QS; Paynter, I; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, C (2022). Evaluation of the Landsat-8 Albedo Product across the Circumpolar Domain. REMOTE SENSING, 14(21), 5320.
Yan, K; Li, HL; Song, WJ; Tong, YY; Hao, DL; Zeng, YL; Mu, XH; Yan, GJ; Fang, Y; Myneni, RB; Schaaf, C (2022). Extending a Linear Kernel-Driven BRDF Model to Realistically Simulate Reflectance Anisotropy Over Rugged Terrain. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 60, 4401816.
Elmes, A; Levy, C; Erb, A; Hall, DK; Scambos, TA; DiGirolamo, N; Schaaf, C (2021). Consequences of the 2019 Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Episode on Albedo. REMOTE SENSING, 13(2), 227.
Kim, J; Kim, Y; Zona, D; Oechel, W; Park, SJ; Lee, BY; Yi, YH; Erb, A; Schaaf, CL (2021). Carbon response of tundra ecosystems to advancing greenup and snowmelt in Alaska. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 12(1), 6879.
Pisek, J; Erb, A; Korhonen, L; Biermann, T; Carrara, A; Cremonese, E; Cuntz, M; Fares, S; Gerosa, G; Grunwald, T; Hase, N; Heliasz, M; Ibrom, A; Knohl, A; Kobler, J; Kruijt, B; Lange, H; Leppanen, L; Limousin, JM; Serrano, FRL; Loustau, D; Lukes, P; Lundin, L; Marzuoli, R; Molder, M; Montagnani, L; Neirynck, J; Peichl, M; Rebmann, C; Rubio, E; Santos-Reis, M; Schaaf, C; Schmidt, M; Simioni, G; Soudani, K; Vincke, C (2021). Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 18(2), 621-635.
Rouhani, S; Schaaf, CL; Huntington, TG; Choate, J (2021). Simulation of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux in the Penobscot Watershed, Maine. ECOHYDROLOGY & HYDROBIOLOGY, 21(2), 256-270.
Bruegge, CJ; Coburn, C; Elmes, A; Helmlinger, MC; Kataoka, F; Kuester, M; Kuze, A; Ochoa, T; Schaaf, C; Shiomi, K; Schwandner, FM (2019). Bi-Directional Reflectance Factor Determination of the Railroad Valley Playa. REMOTE SENSING, 11(22), 2601.
Jiao, ZT; Ding, AX; Kokhanovsky, A; Schaaf, C; Breon, FM; Dong, YD; Wang, ZS; Liu, Y; Zhang, XN; Yin, SY; Cui, L; Mei, LL; Chang, YX (2019). Development of a snow kernel to better model the anisotropic reflectance of pure snow in a kernel-driven BRDF model framework. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 221, 198-209.
Wei, SS; Fang, HL; Schaaf, CB; He, LM; Chen, JM (2019). Global 500 m clumping index product derived from MODIS BRDF data (2001-2017). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 232, UNSP 111296.
Jiao, ZT; Dong, YD; Schaaf, CB; Chen, JM; Roman, M; Wang, ZS; Zhang, H; Ding, AX; Erb, A; Hill, MJ; Zhang, XN; Strahler, A (2018). An algorithm for the retrieval of the clumping index (CI) from the MODIS BRDF product using an adjusted version of the kernel-driven BRDF model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 209, 594-611.
Jiao, ZT; Zhang, XN; Breon, FM; Dong, YD; Schaaf, CB; Roman, M; Wang, ZS; Cui, L; Yin, SY; Ding, AX; Wang, JD (2018). The influence of spatial resolution on the angular variation patterns of optical reflectance as retrieved from MODIS and POLDER measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 215, 371-385.
Kim, Y; Kimball, JS; Du, JY; Schaaf, CLB; Kirchner, PB (2018). Quantifying the effects of freeze-thaw transitions and snowpack melt on land surface albedo and energy exchange over Alaska and Western Canada. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 13(7), 75009.
Klosterman, S; Melaas, E; Wang, JA; Martinez, A; Frederick, S; O'Keefe, J; Orwig, DA; Wang, ZS; Sun, QS; Schaaf, C; Friedl, M; Richardson, AD (2018). Fine-scale perspectives on landscape phenology from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photography. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 248, 397-407.
Li, Z; Erb, A; Sun, QS; Liu, Y; Shuai, YM; Wang, ZS; Boucher, P; Schaaf, C (2018). Preliminary assessment of 20-m surface albedo retrievals from sentinel-2A surface reflectance and MODIS/VIIRS surface anisotropy measures. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 217, 352-365.
Manninen, T; Riihela, A; Heidinger, A; Schaaf, C; Lattanzio, A; Key, J (2018). Intercalibration of Polar-Orbiting Spectral Radiometers Without Simultaneous Observations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 56(3), 1507-1519.
Riihela, A; Manninen, T; Key, J; Sun, QS; Sutterlin, M; Lattanzio, A; Schaaf, C (2018). A Multisensor Approach to Global Retrievals of Land Surface Albedo. REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 848.
Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Shuai, YM; Roman, MO (2018). Capturing rapid land surface dynamics with Collection V006 MODIS BRDF/NBAR/Albedo (MCD43) products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 207, 50-64.
Zhang, XY; Jayavelu, S; Liu, LL; Friedl, MA; Henebry, GM; Liu, Y; Schaaf, CB; Richardson, AD; Gray, J (2018). Evaluation of land surface phenology from VIIRS data using time series of PhenoCam imagery. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 256, 137-149.
Zhang, XY; Liu, LL; Liu, Y; Jayavelu, S; Wang, JM; Moon, M; Henebry, GM; Friedl, MA; Schaaf, CB (2018). Generation and evaluation of the VIIRS land surface phenology product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 216, 212-229.
Burkhart, JF; Kylling, A; Schaaf, CB; Wang, ZS; Bogren, W; Storvold, R; Solbo, S; Pedersen, CA; Gerland, S (2017). Unmanned aerial system nadir reflectance and MODIS nadir BRDF-adjusted surface reflectances intercompared over Greenland. CRYOSPHERE, 11(4), 1575-1589.
Hill, MJ; Zhou, Q; Sun, QS; Schaaf, CB; Palace, M (2017). Relationships between vegetation indices, fractional cover retrievals and the structure and composition of Brazilian Cerrado natural vegetation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 874-905.
Jiao, T; Williams, CA; Ghimire, B; Masek, J; Gao, F; Schaaf, C (2017). Global climate forcing from albedo change caused by large-scale deforestation and reforestation: quantification and attribution of geographic variation. CLIMATIC CHANGE, 142(4-Mar), 463-476.
Liu, Y; Hill, MJ; Zhang, XY; Wang, ZS; Richardson, AD; Hufkens, K; Filippa, G; Baldocchi, DD; Ma, SY; Verfaillie, J; Schaaf, CB (2017). Using data from Landsat, MODIS, VIIRS and PhenoCams to monitor the phenology of California oak/grass savanna and open grassland across spatial scales. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 237, 311-325.
Liu, Y; Wang, Z; Sun, Q; Erb, AM; Li, Z; Schaaf, CB; Zhang, X; Roman, MO; Scott, RL; Zhang, Q; Novick, KA; Bret-Harte, MS; Petroy, S; SanClements, M (2017). Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR products suite and an assessment of continuity with the long term MODIS record. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 256-274.
Moustafa, SE; Rennermalm, AK; Roman, MO; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Smith, LC; Koenig, LS; Erb, A (2017). Evaluation of satellite remote sensing albedo retrievals over the ablation area of the southwestern Greenland ice sheet. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 115-125.
Pahlevan, N; Schott, JR; Franz, BA; Zibordi, G; Markham, B; Bailey, S; Schaaf, CB; Ondrusek, M; Greb, S; Strait, CM (2017). Landsat 8 remote sensing reflectance (R-rs) products: Evaluations, intercomparisons, and enhancements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 289-301.
Sun, QS; Wang, ZS; Li, Z; Erb, A; Schaaf, CB (2017). Evaluation of the global MODIS 30 arc-second spatially and temporally complete snow-free land surface albedo and reflectance anisotropy dataset. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 36-49.
Trlica, A; Hutyra, LR; Schaaf, CL; Erb, A; Wang, JA (2017). Albedo, Land Cover, and Daytime Surface Temperature Variation Across an Urbanized Landscape. EARTHS FUTURE, 5(11), 1084-1101.
Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Kim, J; Erb, AM; Gao, F; Roman, MO; Yang, Y; Petroy, S; Taylor, JR; Masek, JG; Morisette, JT; Zhang, XY; Papuga, SA (2017). Monitoring land surface albedo and vegetation dynamics using high spatial and temporal resolution synthetic time series from Landsat and the MODIS BRDF/NBAR/albedo product. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 59, 104-117.
Zhang, XY; Wang, JM; Gao, F; Liu, Y; Schaaf, C; Friedl, M; Yu, YY; Jayavelu, S; Gray, J; Liu, LL; Yan, D; Henebry, GM (2017). Exploration of scaling effects on coarse resolution land surface phenology. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 318-330.
Campagnolo, ML; Sun, QS; Liu, Y; Schaaf, C; Wang, ZS; Roman, MO (2016). Estimating the effective spatial resolution of the operational BRDF, albedo, and nadir reflectance products from MODIS and VIIRS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 175, 52-64.
Hill, MJ; Zhou, Q; Sun, QS; Schaaf, CB; Southworth, J; Mishra, NB; Gibbes, C; Bunting, E; Christiansen, TB; Crews, KA (2016). Dynamics of the relationship between NDVI and SWIR32 vegetation indices in southern Africa: implications for retrieval of fractional cover from MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 37(6), 1476-1503.
Roy, DP; Zhang, HK; Ju, J; Gomez-Dans, JL; Lewis, PE; Schaaf, CB; Sun, Q; Li, J; Huang, H; Kovalskyy, V (2016). A general method to normalize Landsat reflectance data to nadir BRDF adjusted reflectance. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 176, 255-271.
Sutterlin, M; Stockli, R; Schaaf, CB; Wunderle, S (2016). Albedo climatology for European land surfaces retrieved from AVHRR data (1990-2014) and its spatial and temporal analysis from green-up to vegetation senescence. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 121(14), 8156-8171.
Wang, ZS; Erb, AM; Schaaf, CB; Sun, QS; Liu, Y; Yang, Y; Shuai, YM; Casey, KA; Roman, MO (2016). Early spring post-fire snow albedo dynamics in high latitude boreal forests using Landsat-8 OLI data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 185, 71-83.
Zhou, Q; Hill, MJ; Sun, QS; Schaaf, CB (2016). Retrieving understorey dynamics in the Australian tropical savannah from time series decomposition and linear unmixing of MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 37(6), 1445-1475.
Zoogman, P; Liu, X; Chance, K; Sun, QS; Schaaf, C; Mahr, T; Wagner, T (2016). A climatology of visible surface reflectance spectra. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 180, 39-46.
Burakowski, Elizabeth A.; Ollinger, Scott V.; Lepine, Lucie; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Wang, Zhuosen; Dibb, Jack E.; Hollinger, David Y.; Kim, JiHyun; Erb, Angel; Martin, Mary (2015). Spatial scaling of reflectance and surface albedo over a mixed-use, temperate forest landscape during snow-covered periods. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 158, 465-477.
Liu, Lingling; Liang, Liang; Schwartz, Mark D.; Donnelly, Alison; Wang, Zhuosen; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Liu, Liangyun (2015). Evaluating the potential of MODIS satellite data to track temporal dynamics of autumn phenology in a temperate mixed forest. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 160, 156-165.
Suetterlin, M.; Schaaf, C. B.; Stoeckli, R.; Sun, Q.; Huesler, F.; Neuhaus, C.; Wunderle, S. (2015). Albedo and reflectance anisotropy retrieval from AVHRR operated onboard NOAA and MetOp satellites: Algorithm performance and accuracy assessment for Europe. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 168, 163-176.
Wang, Dongdong; Liang, Shunlin; He, Tao; Yu, Yunyue; Schaaf, Crystal; Wang, Zhuosen (2015). Estimating daily mean land surface albedo from MODIS data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 120(10), 4825-4841.
Jiao, Ziti; Hill, Michael J.; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Zhang, Hu; Wang, Zhuosen; Li, Xiaowen (2014). An Anisotropic Flat Index (AFX) to derive BRDF archetypes from MODIS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 141, 168-187.
Liang, Liang; Schwartz, Mark D.; Wang, Zhuosen; Gao, Feng; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Tan, Bin; Morisette, Jeffrey T.; Zhang, Xiaoyang (2014). A Cross Comparison of Spatiotemporally Enhanced Springtime Phenological Measurements From Satellites and Ground in a Northern U.S. Mixed Forest. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 52(12), 7513-7526.
Polgar, Caroline A.; Primack, Richard B.; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Schaaf, Crystal; Wang, Zhuosen; Hoeppner, Susanne S. (2014). Tree leaf out response to temperature: comparing field observations, remote sensing, and a warming experiment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 58(6), 1251-1257.
Proud, Simon Richard; Zhang, Qingling; Schaaf, Crystal; Fensholt, Rasmus; Rasmussen, Mads Olander; Shisanya, Chris; Mutero, Wycliffe; Mbow, Cheikh; Anyamba, Assaf; Pak, Ed; Sandholt, Inge (2014). The Normalization of Surface Anisotropy Effects Present in SEVIRI Reflectances by Using the MODIS BRDF Method. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 52(10), 6026-6039.
Shuai, Yanmin; Masek, Jeffrey G.; Gao, Feng; Schaaf, Crystal B.; He, Tao (2014). An approach for the long-term 30-m land surface snow-free albedo retrieval from historic Landsat surface reflectance and MODIS-based a priori anisotropy knowledge. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 152, 467-479.
Tang, Hao; Brolly, Matthew; Zhao, Feng; Strahler, Alan H.; Schaaf, Crystal L.; Ganguly, Sangram; Zhang, Gong; Dubayah, Ralph (2014). Deriving and validating Leaf Area Index (LAI) at multiple spatial scales through lidar remote sensing: A case study in Sierra National Forest, CA. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 143, 131-141.
Wang, Zhuosen; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Strahler, Alan H.; Chopping, Mark J.; Roman, Miguel O.; Shuai, Yanmin; Woodcock, Curtis E.; Hollinger, David Y.; Fitzjarrald, David R. (2014). Evaluation of MODIS albedo product (MCD43A) over grassland, agriculture and forest surface types during dormant and snow-covered periods. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 140, 60-77.
Wright, Patrick; Bergin, Mike; Dibb, Jack; Lefer, Barry; Domine, Florent; Carman, Tobey; Carmagnola, Carlo; Dumont, Marie; Courville, Zoe; Schaaf, Crystal; Wang, Zhuosen (2014). Comparing MODIS daily snow albedo to spectral albedo field measurements in Central Greenland. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 140, 118-129.
Grasso, L; Hillger, DW; Schaaf, CB; Wang, ZS; Brummer, R; DeMaria, R (2013). Use of MODIS 16-day albedos in generating GOES-R advanced baseline imager imagery. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 7, 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073584.
Roman, MO; Gatebe, CK; Shuai, YM; Wang, ZS; Gao, F; Masek, JG; He, T; Liang, SL; Schaaf, CB (2013). Use of In Situ and Airborne Multiangle Data to Assess MODIS- and Landsat-Based Estimates of Directional Reflectance and Albedo. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 51(3), 1393-1404.
Shuai, YM; Schaaf, C; Zhang, XY; Strahler, A; Roy, D; Morisette, J; Wang, ZS; Nightingale, J; Nickeson, J; Richardson, AD; Xie, DH; Wang, JD; Li, XW; Strabala, K; Davies, JE (2013). Daily MODIS 500 m reflectance anisotropy direct broadcast (DB) products for monitoring vegetation phenology dynamics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 34(16), 5997-6016.
Yang, YK; Marshak, A; Palm, SP; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, C (2013). Assessment of Cloud Screening With Apparent Surface Reflectance in Support of the ICESat-2 Mission. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 51(2), 1037-1045.
Zhang, QL; Schaaf, C; Seto, KC (2013). The Vegetation Adjusted NTL Urban Index: A new approach to reduce saturation and increase variation in nighttime luminosity. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 129, 32-41.
Cescatti, A; Marcolla, B; Vannan, SKS; Pan, JY; Roman, MO; Yang, XY; Ciais, P; Cook, RB; Law, BE; Matteucci, G; Migliavacca, M; Moors, E; Richardson, AD; Seufert, G; Schaaf, CB (2012). Intercomparison of MODIS albedo retrievals and in situ measurements across the global FLUXNET network. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 121, 323-334.
He, LM; Chen, JM; Pisek, J; Schaaf, CB; Strahler, AH (2012). Global clumping index map derived from the MODIS BRDF product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 119, 118-130.
Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Chopping, MJ; Strahler, AH; Wang, JD; Roman, MO; Rocha, AV; Woodcock, CE; Shuai, YM (2012). Evaluation of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow albedo product (MCD43A) over tundra. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 117, 264-280.
Hill, MJ; Roman, MO; Schaaf, CB; Hutley, L; Brannstrom, C; Etter, A; Hanan, NP (2011). Characterizing vegetation cover in global savannas with an annual foliage clumping index derived from the MODIS BRDF product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(8), 2008-2024.
Roman, MO; Gatebe, CK; Schaaf, CB; Poudyal, R; Wang, ZS; King, MD (2011). Variability in surface BRDF at different spatial scales (30 m-500 m) over a mixed agricultural landscape as retrieved from airborne and satellite spectral measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(9), 2184-2203.
Schaaf, CB; Wang, ZS; Strahler, AH (2011). Commentary on Wang and Zender-MODIS snow albedo bias at high solar zenith angles relative to theory and to in situ observations in Greenland. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(5), 1296-1300.
Shuai, YM; Masek, JG; Gao, F; Schaaf, CB (2011). An algorithm for the retrieval of 30-m snow-free albedo from Landsat surface reflectance and MODIS BRDF. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(9), 2204-2216.
Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Lewis, P; Knyazikhin, Y; Schull, MA; Strahler, AH; Yao, T; Myneni, RB; Chopping, MJ; Blair, BJ (2011). Retrieval of canopy height using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(6), 1595-1601.
Ju, JC, Roy, DP, Shuai, YM, Schaaf, C (2010). Development of an approach for generation of temporally complete daily nadir MODIS reflectance time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 1-20.
Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB, Lewis, P, Gao, F, Anderson, GP, Privette, JL, Strahler, AH, Woodcock, CE, Barnsley, M (2010). Assessing the coupling between surface albedo derived from MODIS and the fraction of diffuse skylight over spatially-characterized landscapes. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 738-760.
Wang, KC, Liang, S, Schaaf, CL, Strahler, AH (2010). Evaluation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land surface visible and shortwave albedo products at FLUXNET sites. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D17107.
Wang, YJ, Lyapustin, AI, Privette, JL, Cook, RB, SanthanaVannan, SK, Vermote, EF, Schaaf, CL (2010). Assessment of biases in MODIS surface reflectance due to Lambertian approximation. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2791-2801.
Hall, DK, Nghiem, SV, Schaaf, CB, DiGirolamo, NE, Neumann, G (2009). Evaluation of surface and near-surface melt characteristics on the Greenland ice sheet using MODIS and QuikSCAT data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE, 114, F04006.
Liu, JC, Schaaf, C, Strahler, A, Jiao, ZT, Shuai, YM, Zhang, QL, Roman, M, Augustine, JA, Dutton, EG (2009). Validation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo retrieval algorithm: Dependence of albedo on solar zenith angle. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D01106.
Rutan, D, Rose, F, Roman, M, Manalo-Smith, N, Schaaf, C, Charlock, T (2009). Development and assessment of broadband surface albedo from Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Clouds and Radiation Swath data product. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 114, D08125.
Zhang, X, Friedl, M, Schaaf, C (2009). Sensitivity of vegetation phenology detection to the temporal resolution of satellite data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 30(8), 2061-2074.
Coddington, O, Schmidt, KS, Pilewskie, P, Gore, WJ, Bergstrom, RW, Roman, M, Redemann, J, Russell, PB, Liu, JC, Schaaf, CC (2008). Aircraft measurements of spectral surface albedo and its consistency with ground-based and space-borne observations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D17), D17209.
Dickinson, RE, Zhou, LM, Tian, YH, Liu, Q, Lavergne, T, Pinty, B, Schaaf, CB, Knyazikhin, Y (2008). A three-dimensional analytic model for the scattering of a spherical bush. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D20), D20113.
Knobelspiesse, KD, Cairns, B, Schmid, B, Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB (2008). Surface BRDF estimation from an aircraft compared to MODIS and ground estimates at the Southern Great Plains site. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D20), D20105.
Moody, EG, King, MD, Schaaf, CB, Platnick, S (2008). MODIS-Derived Spatially Complete Surface Albedo Products: Spatial and Temporal Pixel Distribution and Zonal Averages. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 47(11), 2879-2894.
Roy, DP, Ju, J, Lewis, P, Schaaf, C, Gao, F, Hansen, M, Lindquist, E (2008). "Multi-temporal MODIS-Landsat data fusion for relative radiometric normalization, gap filling, and prediction of Landsat data". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(6), 3112-3130.
Shuai, YM, Schaaf, CB, Strahler, AH, Liu, JC, Jiao, ZT (2008). Quality assessment of BRDF/albedo retrievals in MODIS operational system. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 35(5), L05407.
Stone, RS, Anderson, GP, Shettle, EP, Andrews, E, Loukachine, K, Dutton, EG, Schaaf, C, Roman, MO (2008). Radiative impact of boreal smoke in the Arctic: Observed and modeled. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D14), D14S16.
Fang, HL, Liang, SL, Kim, HY, Townshend, JR, Schaaf, CL, Strahler, AH, Dickinson, RE (2007). Developing a spatially continuous 1 km surface albedo data set over North America from Terra MODIS products. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 112(D20), D20206.
Moody, EG, King, MD, Schaaf, CB, Hall, DK, Platnick, S (2007). Northern Hemisphere five-year average (2000-2004) spectral albedos of surfaces in the presence of snow: Statistics computed from Terra MODIS land products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 111(3-Feb), 337-345.
Roy, DP, Lewis, P, Schaaf, CB, Devadiga, S, Boschetti, L (2006). The global impact of clouds on the production of MODIS bidirectional reflectance model-based composites for terrestrial monitoring. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(4), 452-456.
Salomon, JG, Schaaf, CB, Strahler, AH, Gao, F, Jin, YF (2006). Validation of the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo retrievals using combined observations from the Aqua and Terra platforms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(6), 1555-1565.
Tsvetsinskaya, EA, Schaaf, CB, Gao, F, Strahler, AH, Dickinson, RE (2006). Spatial and temporal variability in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-derived surface albedo over global arid regions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 111(D20), D20106.
Zhang, XY, Friedl, MA, Schaaf, CB (2006). Global vegetation phenology from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): Evaluation of global patterns and comparison with in situ measurements. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 111(G4), G04017.
Gao, F, Schaaf, CB, Strahler, AH, Roesch, A, Lucht, W, Dickinson, R (2005). MODIS bidirectional reflectance distribution function and albedo Climate Modeling Grid products and the variability of albedo for major global vegetation types. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 110(D1), D01104.
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Potter, S; Solvik, K; Erb, A; Goetz, SJ; Johnstone, JF; Mack, MC; Randerson, JT; Roman, MO; Schaaf, CL; Turetsky, MR; Veraverbeke, S; Walker, XJ; Wang, ZS; Massey, R; Rogers, BM (). Climate change decreases the cooling effect from postfire albedo in boreal North America. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY.