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Menken, KD, Brezonik, PL (2006). Influence of chlorophyll and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) on lake reflectance spectra: Implications for measuring lake properties by remote sensing. LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT, 22(3), 179-190.
Hutchison, KD, Pekker, T, Smith, S (2006). Improved retrievals of cloud boundaries from MODIS for use in air quality modeling. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(30), 5798-5806.
Gupta, P, Christopher, SA, Wang, J, Gehrig, R, Lee, Y, Kumar, N (2006). Satellite remote sensing of particulate matter and air quality assessment over global cities. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(30), 5880-5892.
Marsett, RC, Qi, JG, Heilman, P, Biedenbender, SH, Watson, MC, Amer, S, Weltz, M, Goodrich, D, Marsett, R (2006). Remote sensing for grassland management in the arid Southwest. RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 59(5), 530-540.
Zibordi, G, Strombeck, N, Melin, F, Berthon, JF (2006). Tower-based radiometric observations at a coastal site in the Baltic Proper. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 69(4-Mar), 649-654.
Roskovensky, JK, Liou, KN (2006). Simultaneous determination of aerosol and thin cirrus optical depths over oceans from MODIS data: Some case studies. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 63(9), 2307-2323.
Porcasi, X, Catala, SS, Hrellac, H, Scavuzzo, MC, Gorla, DE (2006). Infestation of rural houses by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera : Reduviidae) in southern area of Gran Chaco in Argentina. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 43(5), 1060-1067.
Agarwal, R, Singh, D, Chauhan, DS, Singh, KP (2006). Detection of coal mine fires in the Jharia coal field using NOAA/AVHRR data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING, 3(3), 212-218.
Waser, LT, Schwarz, M (2006). Comparison of large-area land cover products with national forest inventories and CORINE land cover in the European Alps. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 8(3), 196-207.
Lee, KH, Kim, YJ, Kim, MJ (2006). Characteristics of aerosol observed during two severe haze events over Korea in June and October 2004. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(27), 5146-5155.
Koelemeijer, RBA, Homan, CD, Matthijsen, J (2006). Comparison of spatial and temporal variations of aerosol optical thickness and particulate matter over Europe. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(27), 5304-5315.
Huang, JP, Wang, YJ, Wang, TH, Yi, YH (2006). Dusty cloud radiative forcing derived from satellite data for middle latitude regions of East Asia. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, 16(10), 1084-1089.
Yucel, I (2006). Effects of implementing MODIS land cover and albedo in MM5 at two contrasting US regions. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 7(5), 1043-1060.
Roy, DP, Lewis, P, Schaaf, CB, Devadiga, S, Boschetti, L (2006). The global impact of clouds on the production of MODIS bidirectional reflectance model-based composites for terrestrial monitoring. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(4), 452-456.
Qu, JJ, Hao, XJ, Kafatos, M, Wang, LL (2006). Asian dust storm monitoring combining terra and aqua MODIS SRB measurements. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(4), 484-486.
Remer, LA, Kaufman, YJ, Kleidman, RG (2006). Comparison of three years of Terra and Aqua MODIS aerosol optical thickness over the global oceans. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(4), 537-540.
Liu, RGG, Liu, JYY, Liang, SL (2006). Estimation of systematic errors of MODIS thermal infrared bands. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(4), 541-545.
Roura-Pascual, N, Suarez, AV, McNyset, K, Gomez, C, Pons, P, Touyama, Y, Wild, AL, Gascon, F, Peterson, AT (2006). Niche differentiation and fine-scale projections for Argentine ants based on remotely sensed data. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 16(5), 1832-1841.
Huang, S, Siegert, F (2006). Land cover classification optimized to detect areas at risk of desertification in North China based on SPOT VEGETATION imagery. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 67(2), 308-327.
Dai, EF, Wu, SH, Li, SC, Wang, SJ, Zhou, CH, Hao, CY (2006). Spatial variability on vegetation parameters in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 51, 1-8.
Hao, CY, Dai, EF, Wu, SH, Zhou, CH, Wang, H, Pan, T (2006). Research on barrier function and spatio-temporal heterogeneity of vegetation in southern LRGR. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 51, 143-153.
Yuan, JG, Niu, Z, Wang, CL (2006). Vegetation NPP Distribution Based on MODIS Data and CASA Model-A Case Study of Northern Hebei Province. CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, 16(4), 334-341.
Ray, DK, Welch, RM, Lawton, RO, Nair, US (2006). Dry season clouds and rainfall in northern Central America: Implications for the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 54(2-Jan), 150-162.
Cavalieri, DJ, Markus, T, Hall, DK, Gasiewski, AJ, Klein, M, Ivanoff, A (2006). Assessment of EOS aqua AMSR-E Arctic Sea ice concentrations using Landsat-7 and airborne microwave imagery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3057-3069.
Heinrichs, JF, Cavalieri, DJ, Markus, T (2006). Assessment of the AMSR-E sea ice concentration product at the ice edge using RADARSAT-1 and MODIS imagery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3070-3080.
Samain, O, Geiger, B, Roujean, JL (2006). "Spectral normalization and fusion of optical sensors for the retrieval of BRDF and albedo: Application to VEGETATION, MODIS, and MERIS data sets". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3166-3179.
Hsu, NC, Tsay, SC, King, MD, Herman, JR (2006). Deep blue retrievals of Asian aerosol properties during ACE-Asia. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3180-3195.
Wang, MH, Shi, W (2006). Cloud masking for ocean color data processing in the coastal regions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3196-3205.
Pottier, C, Garcon, V, Larnicol, G, Sudre, J, Schaeffer, P, Le Traon, PY (2006). Merging SeaWiFS and MODIS/Aqua ocean color data in North and Equatorial Atlantic using weighted averaging and objective analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3436-3451.
Yang, FH, White, MA, Michaelis, AR, Ichii, K, Hashimoto, H, Votava, P, Zhu, AX, Nemani, RR (2006). Prediction of continental-scale evapotranspiration by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data through support vector machine. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(11), 3452-3461.
Wardlow, BD, Kastens, JH, Egbert, SL (2006). Using USDA crop progress data for the evaluation of greenup onset date calculated from MODIS 250-meter data. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 72(11), 1225-1234.
Goulden, ML, Winston, GC, McMillan, AMS, Litvak, ME, Read, EL, Rocha, AV, Elliot, JR (2006). An eddy covariance mesonet to measure the effect of forest age on land-atmosphere exchange. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 12(11), 2146-2162.
White, K, Eckardt, F (2006). "Geochemical mapping of carbonate sediments in the Makgadikgadi basin, Botswana using moderate resolution remote sensing data". EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 31(6), 665-681.
Joiner, J, Vasilkov, AP (2006). First results from the OMI rotational Raman scattering cloud pressure algorithm. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(5), 1272-1282.
Tie, XX, Brasseur, GP, Zhao, CS, Granier, C, Massie, S, Qin, Y, Wang, PC, Wang, GL, Yang, PC, Richter, A (2006). Chemical characterization of air pollution in Eastern China and the Eastern United States. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(14), 2607-2625.
Melis, C, Szafranska, PA, Jedrzejewska, B, Barton, K (2006). Biogeographical variation in the population density of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in western Eurasia. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 33(5), 803-811.
Hong, N, White, JG, Weisz, R, Crozier, CR, Gumpertz, ML, Cassel, DK (2006). Remote sensing-informed variable-rate nitrogen management of wheat and corn: Agronomic and groundwater outcomes. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 98(2), 327-338.
McGuire, M, Wood, AW, Hamlet, AF, Lettenmaier, DP (2006). Use of satellite data for streamflow and reservoir storage forecasts in the snake river basin. JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, 132(2), 97-110.
Rao, NR, Garg, PK, Hosh, SKG (2006). Estimation and comparison of Leaf Area Index of agricultural crops using IRS LISS-III and EO-1 hyperion images. PHOTONIRVACHAK-JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 34(1), 69-78.
Baisden, WT (2006). Agricultural and forest productivity for modelling policy scenarios: evaluating approaches for New Zealand greenhouse gas mitigation. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND, 36(1), 1-15.
Wessels, KJ, Prince, SD, Zambatis, N, Macfadyen, S, Frost, PE, Van Zyl, D (2006). "Relationship between herbaceous biomass and 1-km(2) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) NDVI in Kruger National Park, South Africa". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 27(6-May), 951-973.
Krapivin, VF, Shutko, AM, Chukhlantsev, AA, Golovachev, SP, Phillips, GW (2006). GIMS-based method for vegetation microwave monitoring. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 21(3), 330-345.
Miles, L, Newton, AC, DeFries, RS, Ravilious, C, May, I, Blyth, S, Kapos, V, Gordon, JE (2006). A global overview of the conservation status of tropical dry forests. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 33(3), 491-505.
Kutser, T, Metsamaa, L, Strombeck, N, Vahtmae, E (2006). Monitoring cyanobacterial blooms by satellite remote sensing. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 67(2-Jan), 303-312.
Carabajal, CC, Harding, DJ (2006). SRTM C-band and ICESat laser altimetry elevation comparisons as a function of tree cover and relief. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 72(3), 287-298.
Poon, SKM, Valeo, C (2006). Investigation of the MODIS snow mapping algorithm during snowmelt in the northern boreal forest of Canada. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 32(3), 254-267.
Chen, X, Zhang, Q, Zhou, KF, Sun, L (2006). Quantitative assessment and analysis on the dynamic change of ecological capital in and areas. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 51, 204-212.
Zhou, KF, Chen, X, Zhou, HR, Zhang, Q, Zuo, QT, Zhang, HB, Yan, JF, Chen, CA (2006). Study on RS- and GIS-based ecological capital assessment in arid areas. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 51, 213-220.
Rao, XH, Smitha, A, Ali, MM (2006). A study on cyclone induced productivity in south-western Bay of Bengal during November-December 2000 using MODIS (SST and chlorophyll-a) and altimeter sea surface height observations. INDIAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCES, 35(2), 153-160.
Pinkerton, MH, Moore, GF, Lavender, SJ, Gall, MP, Oubelkheir, K, Richardson, KM, Boyd, PW, Aiken, J (2006). A method for estimating inherent optical properties of New Zealand continental shelf waters from satellite ocean colour measurements. NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, 40(2), 227-247.
Qin, J, Yan, GJ, Liu, SM, Liang, SL, Zhang, H, Wang, J, Li, XW (2006). Application of ensemble kalman filter to geophysical parameters retrieval in remote sensing: A case study of kernel-driven BRDF model inversion. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 49(6), 632-640.
Tang, JK, Xue, Y, Yu, T, Guan, YN, Cai, GY, Hu, YC (2006). Aerosol retrieval over land by exploiting the synergy of TERRA and AQUA MODIS DATA. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 49(6), 641-649.
Jedlovec, GJ, Nair, U, Haines, SL (2006). Detection of storm damage tracks with EOS data. WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 21(3), 249-267.
Bendix, J, Thies, B, Nauss, T, Cermak, J (2006). A feasibility study of daytime fog and low stratus detection with TERRA/AQUA-MODIS over land. METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 13(2), 111-125.
Wiedinmyer, C, Quayle, B, Geron, C, Belote, A, McKenzie, D, Zhang, XY, O'Neill, S, Wynne, KK (2006). Estimating emissions from fires in North America for air quality modeling. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(19), 3419-3432.
Cheng, Q (2006). Multisensor comparisons for validation of MODIS vegetation indices. PEDOSPHERE, 16(3), 362-370.
Cameron, CB, Rodriguez, RN, Padgett, N, Waluschka, E, Kizhner, S, Colon, G, Weeks, C (2006). Fast optical ray tracing using multiple DSPs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 55(3), 801-808.
Salomon, JG, Schaaf, CB, Strahler, AH, Gao, F, Jin, YF (2006). Validation of the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo retrievals using combined observations from the Aqua and Terra platforms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(6), 1555-1565.
Wu, J, Winer, AM, Delfino, RJ (2006). "Exposure assessment of particulate matter air pollution before, during, and after the 2003 Southern California wildfires". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(18), 3333-3348.
Andreadis, KM, Lettenmaier, DP (2006). Assimilating remotely sensed snow observations into a macroscale hydrology model. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 29(6), 872-886.
Nikolov, N, Zeller, K (2006). Efficient retrieval of vegetation leaf area index and canopy clumping factor from satellite data to support pollutant deposition assessments. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 141(3), 539-549.
Barton, I, Pearce, A (2006). "Validation of GLI and other satellite-derived sea surface temperatures using data from the Rottnest Island ferry, Western Australia". JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 62(3), 303-310.
Etter, A, McAlpine, C, Wilson, K, Phinn, S, Possingham, H (2006). Regional patterns of agricultural land use and deforestation in Colombia. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 114(4-Feb), 369-386.
von Wehrden, H, Wesche, K, Miehe, G, Reudenbach, C (2006). Vegetation mapping in Central Asian dry eco-systems using Landsat ETM+ - A case study on the Gobi Gurvan Sayhan National Park. ERDKUNDE, 60(3), 261-272.
Wonsick, MM, Pinker, RT, Meng, W, Nguyen, L (2006). Evaluation of surface shortwave flux estimates from GOES: Sensitivity to sensor calibration. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 23(7), 927-935.
Lee, J, Yang, P, Dessler, AE, Platnick, S (2006). The influence of thermodynamic phase on the retrieval of mixed-phase cloud microphysical and optical properties in the visible and near-infrared region. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(3), 287-291.
Zhang, P, Lu, NM, Hu, XQ, Dong, CH (2006). Identification and physical retrieval of dust storm using three MODIS thermal IR channels. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 52(4-Jan), 197-206.
Yang, H, Yang, ZD (2006). A modified land surface temperature split window retrieval algorithm and its applications over China. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 52(4-Jan), 207-215.
Kim, YJ, Kim, MJ, Lee, KH, Park, SS (2006). "Investigation of carbon pollution episodes using semi-continuous instrument in Incheon, Korea". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(22), 4064-4075.
Song, Y, Zhang, MS, Cai, XH (2006). PM10 modeling of Beijing in the winter. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 40(22), 4126-4136.
Lyapustin, A, Wang, Y, Martonchik, J, Privette, JL, Holben, B, Slutsker, I, Sinyuk, A, Smirnov, A (2006). Local analysis of MISR surface BRF and albedo over GSFC and Mongu AERONET sites. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1707-1718.
See, LM, Fritz, S (2006). A method to compare and improve land cover datasets: Application to the GLC-2000 and MODIS land cover products. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1740-1746.
Salomonson, VV, Appel, I (2006). Development of the Aqua MODIS NDSI fractional snow cover algorithm and validation results. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1747-1756.
Csiszar, IA, Morisette, JT, Giglio, L (2006). Validation of active fire detection from moderate-resolution satellite sensors: The MODIS example in northern Eurasia. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1757-1764.
Fensholt, R, Sandholt, I, Stisen, S (2006). "Evaluating MODIS, MERIS, and VEGETATION - Vegetation indices using in situ measurements in a semiarid environment". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1774-1786.
Brown, ME, Pinzon, JE, Didan, K, Morisette, JT, Tucker, CJ (2006). "Evaluation of the consistency of long-term NDVI time series derived from AVHRR, SPOT-Vegetation, SeaWiFS, MODIS, and Landsat ETM+ sensors". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1787-1793.
Baret, F, Morissette, JT, Fernandes, RA, Champeaux, JL, Myneni, RB, Chen, J, Plummer, S, Weiss, M, Bacour, C, Garrigues, S, Nickeson, JE (2006). Evaluation of the representativeness of networks of sites for the global validation and intercomparison of land biophysical products: Proposition of the CEOS-BELMANIP. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1794-1803.
Steinberg, DC, Goetz, SJ, Hyer, EJ (2006). Validation of MODIS F-PAR products in boreal forests of Alaska. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1818-1828.
Yang, WZ, Huang, D, Tan, B, Stroeve, JC, Shabanov, NV, Knyazikhin, Y, Nemani, RR, Myneni, RB (2006). Analysis of leaf area index and fraction of PAR absorbed by vegetation products from the terra MODIS sensor: 2000-2005. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1829-1842.
Cohen, WB, Maiersperger, TK, Turner, DP, Ritts, WD, Pflugmacher, D, Kennedy, RE, Kirschbaum, A, Running, SW, Costa, M, Gower, ST (2006). MODIS land cover and LAI collection 4 product quality across nine sites in the western hemisphere. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1843-1857.
Pandya, MR, Singh, RP, Chaudhari, KN, Bairagi, GD, Sharma, R, Dadhwal, VK, Parihar, JS (2006). Leaf area index retrieval using IRS LISS-III sensor data and validation of the MODIS LAI product over Central India. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1858-1865.
Huang, D, Yang, WZ, Tan, B, Rautiainen, M, Zhang, P, Hu, JN, Shabanov, NV, Linder, S, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2006). The importance of measurement errors for deriving accurate reference leaf area index maps for validation of moderate-resolution satellite LAI products. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1866-1871.
Abuelgasim, AA, Fernandes, RA, Leblanc, SG (2006). Evaluation of national and global LAI products derived from optical remote sensing instruments over Canada. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1872-1884.
Yang, WZ, Tan, B, Huang, D, Rautiainen, M, Shabanov, NV, Wang, Y, Privette, JL, Huemmrich, KF, Fensholt, R, Sandholt, I, Weiss, M, Ahl, DE, Gower, ST, Nemani, RR, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2006). MODIS leaf area index products: From validation to algorithm improvement. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1885-1898.
Turner, DP, Ritts, WD, Zhao, MS, Kurc, SA, Dunn, AL, Wofsy, SC, Small, EE, Running, SW (2006). Assessing interannual variation in MODIS-based estimates of gross primary production. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1899-1907.
Heinsch, FA, Zhao, MS, Running, SW, Kimball, JS, Nemani, RR, Davis, KJ, Bolstad, PV, Cook, BD, Desai, AR, Ricciuto, DM, Law, BE, Oechel, WC, Kwon, H, Luo, HY, Wofsy, SC, Dunn, AL, Munger, JW, Baldocchi, DD, Xu, LK, Hollinger, DY, Richardson, AD, Stoy, PC, Siqueira, MBS, Monson, RK, Burns, SP, Flanagan, LB (2006). Evaluation of remote sensing based terrestrial productivity from MODIS using regional tower eddy flux network observations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1908-1925.
Roy, DP, Trigg, SN, Bhima, R, Brockett, BH, Dube, OP, Frost, P, Govender, N, Landmann, T, Le Roux, J, Lepono, T, Macuacua, J, Mbow, C, Mhwandangara, KL, Mosepele, B, Mutanga, O, Neo-Mahupeleng, G, Norman, M, Virgilo, S (2006). The utility of satellite fire product accuracy information - Perspectives and recommendations from the southern Africa fire network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1928-1930.
Xiao, XM (2006). Light absorption by leaf chlorophyll and maximum light use efficiency. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1933-1935.
Plummer, S (2006). On validation of the MODIS gross primary production product. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1936-1938.
Ito, TY, Miura, N, Lhagvasuren, B, Enkhbileg, D, Takatsuki, S, Tsunekawa, A, Jiang, Z (2006). Satellite tracking of Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) and habitat shifts in their seasonal ranges. JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 269(3), 291-298.
Loris, V, Damiano, G (2006). Mapping the green herbage ratio of grasslands using both aerial and satellite-derived spectral reflectance. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 115(4-Jan), 141-149.
Knight, JF, Lunetta, RS, Ediriwickrema, J, Khorrarn, S (2006). Regional scale land cover characterization using MODIS-NDVI 250 m multi-temporal imagery: A phenology-based approach. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 43(1), 1-23.
Reed, BC (2006). Trend analysis of time-series phenology of North America derived from satellite data. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 43(1), 24-38.
Tilton, JC, Lawrence, WT, Plaza, AJ (2006). Utilizing hierarchical segmentation to generate water and snow masks to facilitate monitoring change with remotely sensed image data. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 43(1), 39-66.
Bruce, LM, Mathur, A, Byrd, JA (2006). Denoising and wavelet-based feature extraction of MODIS multi-temporal vegetation signatures. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 43(1), 67-77.
Mostovoy, GV, King, RL, Reddy, KR, Kakani, VG, Filippova, MG (2006). Statistical estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures from MODIS LST data over the state of Mississippi. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 43(1), 78-110.
Atlas, D, Wang, Z, Duda, DP (2006). "Contrails to cirrus - Morphology, microphysics, and radiative properties". JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 45(1), 5-19.
L'Ecuyer, TS, Gabriel, P, Leesman, K, Cooper, SJ, Stephens, GL (2006). Objective assessment of the information content of visible and infrared radiance measurements for cloud microphysical property retrievals over the global oceans. Part I: Liquid clouds. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 45(1), 20-41.
Cooper, SJ, L'Ecuyer, TS, Gabriel, P, Baran, AJ, Stephens, GL (2006). Objective assessment of the information content of visible and infrared radiance measurements for cloud microphysical property retrievals over the global oceans. Part II: Ice clouds. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 45(1), 42-62.
Reeves, MC, Zhao, MS, Running, SW (2006). Applying improved estimates of MODIS productivity to characterize grassland vegetation dynamics. RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 59(1), 1-10.
Govaerts, YM, Pinty, B, Taberner, M, Lattanzio, A (2006). Spectral conversion of surface albedo derived from meteosat first generation observations. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(1), 23-27.
Masek, JG, Vermote, EF, Saleous, NE, Wolfe, R, Hall, FG, Huemmrich, KF, Gao, F, Kutler, J, Lim, TK (2006). "A Landsat surface reflectance dataset for North America, 1990-2000". IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(1), 68-72.
Roy, DR, Boschetti, L, Trigg, SN (2006). Remote sensing of fire severity: Assesing the performance of the normalized Burn ratio. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 3(1), 112-116.
Hung, T, Uchihama, D, Ochi, S, Yasuoka, Y (2006). Assessment with satellite data of the urban heat island effects in Asian mega cities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 8(1), 34-48.
Satheesh, SK, Moorthy, KK, Kaufman, YJ, Takemura, T (2006). "Aerosol optical depth, physical properties and radiative forcing over the Arabian Sea". METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, 91(4-Jan), 45-62.
Franklin, KA, Lyons, K, Nagler, PL, Lampkin, D, Glenn, EP, Molina-Freaner, F, Markow, T, Huete, AR (2006). "Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) land conversion and productivity in the plains of Sonora, Mexico". BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 127(1), 62-71.
Bedard, F, Crump, S, Gaudreau, J (2006). "A comparison between Terra MODIS and NOAA AVHRR NDVI satellite image composites for the monitoring of natural grassland conditions in Alberta, Canada". CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 32(1), 44-50.
Pan, Y, Birdsey, R, Hom, J, McCullough, K, Clark, K (2006). Improved estimates of net primary productivity from MODIS satellite data at regional and local scales. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 16(1), 125-132.
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